Shit Hits the Fan (Prologue)

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~ Lawrence, Kansas ~                 ~ November 2, 1983 ~

On a cold November night in a modest 2 story house in Lawrence Kansas, a woman woke up from feedback and cries on the baby monitor. She did not notice her 6 year old son at her door; he had been woken up suddenly by a terrifying nightmare that he was trying to convince himself wasn't real. She lights her lamp, slightly illuminating a photo of her and her husband John, who she tries to wake up.

"John? John?" She, lethargic with sleep, slowly looks over to see her husband is not in bed, and resolves to tend to her 6 month old baby Sam. Passing through the moonlit halls, she arrives at Sam's room. She sees a figure in the door and whispers, "John, is he hungry?" His response is a "Sh." Now slightly exasperated, she replies "Okay." With a sigh, she turns to return to her room when she hears the buzz of electricity and notices a lamp in the hallway flickering. She walks up to it and taps it once, twice, and then it becomes stable. "Hm," she says to herself, wondering what that was about. Then she hears a television set on, and walks downstairs to see her husband asleep on the couch with a beer in his hand. Immediately panicked, she sprints upstairs, "Sammy! Sammy!"

John Winchester woke up to his wife's scream, and hears running upstairs. "Mary?" he calls, quickly getting up and racing to his wife. He busts into little Sammy's room to see a cooing child in his cradle, nothing amiss. "Hey Sammy," he pants. He almost relaxes until he hears "MOMMY!" from Percy and sees a drop of blood land in Sammy's crib. He whips his head upwards to see his wife on the ceiling, pale and horrified, with a giant gash through her torso. "No! Mary" He shouts, until fire erupts from her body, concealing it from sight. After hearing his baby cry out from the brightness of the fire, he quickly moves, grabbing his child and handing him to Percy. "Take your brothers outside as fast as you can! Don't look back! Now, Percy, GO!" He looks back to the room to see it enveloped in bright flames. He calls out to his wife one last time, "Mary!"

Inside the house, Percy is sprinting to Dean's room, grabbing Dean from his bed and roughly throwing him over his shoulder, using every ounce of strength in his six-year-old frame. By the time Dean is conscious enough to process what is going on, he is already outside, Sammy in his arms, trying to soothe his crying. Sam has always loved Dean more, and so Percy let Dean hold him to calm them all down. "It's okay, Sam," Dean says. Percy doesn't know whether to correct him or not. Just then John runs out of the house. "Run!" he shouts to Percy, who grabs Dean and holds tight to Sam, moving away from the unnatural fire. Just in time too, because once they are away from the house the windows give out and the fire erupts, blasting glass and flaming wood into the area.

Neither Percy nor John would ever forget that day, and it marked a change in both of them, where John became more aggressive and militaristic, Percy became more outwardly rebellious but knew he had to care for his brothers even more. Somehow, Percy knew the time he could spend with his brothers would run out soon.

I'm bored. Have a nice day. 589 words


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