Our Childhood was a Trainwreck pt2- Dean and Sam

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Dean 10, Sam 6, Percy 11

"Dad, I wanna go to the pool!" "No, Sam

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"Dad, I wanna go to the pool!" "No, Sam. I've got a job in Pasadena and we still have 3 hours of driving left." It had been a rough day so far. Dad had started letting Percy go on hunts and Percy showed me a shiner he got from a nasty spirit. It looked like it hurt. I found out about the whole shebang a few months ago, the day before Percy went on his first hunt. After that one, he had a bruised jaw, cracked rib, and a nasty slice on his arm from broken glass. Whenever I asked him why he went out if he always came back hurt he always told me, "Dean, I gotta protect you and Sammy. If I didn't, the thing that hurt me could hurt y'all someday and I can't allow that." Sometimes I'd see a red handprint on his face when he came home and I wouldn't understand where it came from. All he said then were "neighborhood kids," and if I asked who he never told me.

He's only one year older than I am, but he takes care of Sammy and me like he's our parent. I don't think Sammy understands that Percy takes care of us because Sammy has always liked me more, and Percy is home about as much as Dad is, minus sleeping here. It's more like Percy takes care of me and I take care of Sam and so it transfers. I'm happy that since I'm ten I can start training though. Percy always looks so cool when he spars with Dad, and I want to be able to protect Sammy as much as Percy protects us.

One time, a couple of months ago, Percy and Dad were hunting this Shtriga, it was an immortal witch who feeds off of children's life forces. I was supposed to watch out for Sam, but I was climbing the walls so I left to get some air. By the time I got home, the Shtriga was already on top of Sammy, feeding on him. So I grabbed the shotgun, but I made a noise, so it stopped and looked over at me. I didn't know if I should shoot it or not, I froze. Then Percy busts through the front door, yells, "Get out of the way!" and starts shooting the thing. Unfortunately, it was invulnerable now that it wasn't feeding, so it ran out of the window.

By the time it was all over, Percy looks over at me, calmly, and asks, "What happened?" "I-I just went out." "What?" "J-just for a second. I'm sorry." "Okay buddy, here's what's going to happen. When dad walks through that door you are going to pretend to be asleep. No matter what you see or hear don't move. Dad will be mad but as long as he's mad at me that's fine. As far as you know there was never a shtriga here. Got it?" I was confused. Percy was going to tell Dad I was asleep? "Why?" "Because, Dean, if Dad knew that you were still awake and the shtriga was feeding on Sammy he would be livid. It shouldn't be your responsibility for keeping him safe. That's my job. It's my fault, so Dad will be mad at me. Now go quickly!"

~\~ I thought because we were so close, I knew everything about him. It wasn't until today I realized he has done so much for me that I'll never know~|~

Turns out, Percy was right. Dad walked through the motel room not 30 seconds after I climbed in bed "asleep." "Hey kid, did anything interesting happen?" "Yeah Dad, I went for a walk and to see if I could get any more money for food, and when I came back the Shtriga was on top of Sammy. I used my gun but he stopped feeding so he was invulnerable. I checked Sammy; he seems healthy enough, but it broke the window." "WHAT?" "I was only supposed to be gone for an hour, I thought the boys would be okay."

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