A Mess (1)

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Wilhelms POV:

Why do I always mess up everything all the time?? I thought to myself in the car as I was going back to the palace. I love him. I fucking love him. I want him forever. I wanna die with him holding my hand or I want to hold his hand as he's dying. I want to graduate together. To have kids and continue the royal family together. I love him and want to be with him forever. My eyes never opened so wide as I realized what I just thought. I looked back at Hillerska but it was long gone. We were long gone from my love. Sadness filled my eyes and just as I was starting to cry malin says

"Your highness, the queen has ordered an interview scheduled for tomorrow afternoon where you will be asked about how your life's been going, and wishing everyone a merry Christmas."

"Thank you Malin" I mentioned as tears were flowing from my eyes.

She was just doing her job, and her job wasn't supposed to be asking if I was okay but I really wish she did. But right as I saw the palace as we were pulling up I had the best thought my brain had ever thought. Something that would forever change Simon and I's life.

I would tell the truth in the interview tomorrow! About everything. I got it. This idea was perfect.

I quickly opened the car door and noticed my mother was waiting to greet me but then I saw August! Why on earth was he here? I thought as I started to get heated and fummed. Nope he is not going to ruin my perfect plan for tomorrow. I assured myself.

As I came up to the steps he greeted me firstly with a smile and a hello.

"Hello Price Wilhelm! So so so nice to see you back here," he said with a grin on his face.

I hate that so much, he's so fake, I'll never forgive him for what he did to me and most importantly to my precious Simon.

"Ugh hi" I said rolling my eyes


I just gave a grossed out face and left. It was better than saying something back to that. I cant let it ruin my plan. They'll never ruin it.

I run up to my room and he's all I can think of. I wish he was here, his warm coco skin rubbing again mine. His soft touch. Oh the things I would do to hug him again. His lips against mine. That night meant the world to me.

But I can't think of that right now I need to think about tomorrow's interview.

"Wilhelm dinner hurry up!!" Mom yelled to me.

I was surprised she didn't just get malin and it's fine I guess.

"Thank god your finally down here" she said while giving an eye roll.

"Mhm" I mumbled trying not to make eye contact.

"So about your interview tomorrow, we think it would be a good idea if we went over what your to say son" dad told me while eating.

"Oh yeah I already have an idea of what I'm gonna say but than-"

"Wilhelm no." Mom interrupted. "It's our way or no way" she continued.

"But you haven't even heard what I want to say yet??" I screamed, the loudest I've spoken since I've arrived.

"Well we know it's going to be a dumb speech about some of your dumb ideas..like that Simon kid. He's such a mess people like him need to live under a bridge not talk to my son, or attend hilerska..and force my son to sleep with him. Sick I tell you SICK." Mom screamed back.

"You don't know shit do you!!" I spoke. "Do you realize it's the first time I've ever been in love with someone??" I said as I saw my mother's eyes widen.

"Love? Are you sick???" Mom said in disbelief.

"I'm not sick at all momma !! This is the best I had ever felt and your just going to trash talk him like that? He's the most precious and beautiful soul to ever walk the earth, and it rips like heart apart every time someone says that kind of stuff about it. It causes pain in my stomach that you won't just accept that that's who I am!!" I said as tears were flooding down my face.

"Willie..love is a very strong word to use." My dad said sympathetically.

"Yeah?? And he is a very strong person in my heart." I snapped back.


"Kristina just wait a minute before you say stuff like that" dad said with tears in his eyes.

I've never seen him cry before which made me sad. I don't know it just hurt.

He looked at me and said "Son I'm going to set you up with a therapist but this wasn't what we wanted to discuss..your interview tomorrow..we want you to start seeing a girl to clear the rumours immediately."

"WHAT?! So those tears were for NOTHING DAD?? You have nothing else to say to me?? Nothing at all. No I'm not going to start seeing a girl because I'm in love with a boy named Simon. And now he's gone because of you guys!!" I screamed as I started to break down.

"Exactly Wilhelm he's gone. Do you really think he's going to come back to you? I news flash not everyone wants you!! You know sometimes I wish my other son was still here so he can cut the bullshit with you!!" Mom yelled again.

"I wish he was here too." I said causing them to freeze in silence.

But before they could say anything else I was already sprinting up the stairs to my room in anger. Did I have doubt? No. Did I wish Eric was here? Yes.

I laid in my bed as I shook the snow globe Eric gave me when I was younger.

"I miss you brother" I said to myself only to hear nothing. Not even a sound.

"Ugh I wish mom and dad would just get it!! Like click it into there brains."

But before I knew it, it was 10pm and time for me to go to bed. I went to get changed and brush my teeth. Then fell asleep.

Word count 1090

Heyy editor here!! Let me know what you think about this and if you want me to add a romantic relationship with felice and Sara sometime in this. But I have a really good idea for where this book is going (thought of it in the shower lmaoo) byeee 💋

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