First surgeries always the hardest (15)

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Wilhelms pov:

Through all the shock I've been through during the past 24 hours I'm so thankful Simon's here laying beside me. He's so pretty when he's asleep, most people look crazy but he looks like an angel. I feel bad for all the stress I've put him through in the last bit but after our talk yesterday I know it's not my fault.

I woke up multiple times during the night feeling very faint and had to press the help button beside my bed to get more steroids into my body to help. He's woken up everytime and  help my hand through the needles. It's now 5:00 and I can't seem to fall back asleep anymore. My thoughts are just exploding in my head.

I grab Simon's phone from my side and go onto it to see if anything about my cancer's been on the Internet. Scrolling through Twitter to see it's looking normal makes me feel better. There were a couple paparazzi photos of Erik and Simon rushing into the hospital but no one knows why. With my two thumbs I zoom in on Simon's face in the photo, he looks very upset and stressed. With the zoomed in photo I take my thumb a graze his hair through the screen.

After about an hour of scrolling through Twitter and stuff I start to feel bad again. Like it's my fault this happened. I turn off the phone and drop it in my lap, then a look over at Simon who's still sleeping beside me. Without thinking I hug him, crying softly but still hugging him tightly. I feel his sleepy self hug back and rub my back.

We stayed like this for a bit, a couple nurses came in because of my heart rate change but they knew the reason when they saw me hugging Simon who was still somewhat asleep. They left quickly after checking the monitor and now it was just us again.

"Willie?" I head Simon say still hugging him.

"Yeah?" I say obviously still crying.

"You're okay right?" He says uneasy.

"Yeah" I say still crying but knowing that I was okay in this moment.

He started to pull away from the hug to give me some space.

"You'll be here through it all right?" I say emotionally.

He looks towards me and smiles slightly "of course I will." He says holding my hand.

Simons POV:

Through the next couple hours we just watched Netflix. At around 12:00 he was given fluid food into a tube beside his bed that would go straight through to his system. It wouldn't help with his continuing weight loss but it would help him not feel so sick.

During the day his brother and father stopped by and brought him a stuffed animal, some flowers and a big hug.

A few hours later his mother came into the room emotionless.

She looked over at him and I on the bed then began to speak.

"This is really great news right?!" She says looking very happy.

"What??" I blur out before Willie can say anything.

"Yes, I mean it's truly incredible." She says very pleased

"Do you hear what you're saying??" I snap back at her

"Yes Simon. This will finally get Sweden on the map again, and not from a sex tape. A good thing. When people find out the prince has cancer our popularity will rise so much!!" She says excitedly

"You do realize that he's sick right??? Like I hate to put this into reality but he could die." I say with tears coming out of my eyes.

"He's not going to die with the doctors care you sick freak." She says

"Mom!!! Don't say that to Simon." He says still in shock by what the queen had just said.

"Fine you guys just need to be more thankful." She says then leaves.

"What the actual fuck??" I say looking at Willie.

"I know. She's crazy. I just don't want to talk about her right now." He says laying back down.

"That's okay" I reply.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air outside and maybe a snap from a local store, if that's okay" I say.

"Yeah of course that's okay, don't worry about it Simon, I'll be okay I promise. They are probably going to tell me when my next surgery will be. I'll text you if anything changes. I love you so so much." He says and gives me a kiss.

"I love you too." I say grabbing my phone and jacket than leaving.

I go downstairs and start leaving the hospital but was immediately stopped by paparazzi.

"Hello Simon, we were just told that Wilhelm has cancer can you give us an update?" One of them said

My eyes opened into realization that people know now.

"Is he okay?" Another one said

I kept walking but they followed all the way to the store.

"Guys I don't mean to be a jackass but please leave me alone." I say then walk inside the store.

When I got inside I looked around and grabbed a sandwich and some fruit. I got some crackers from an isle and went to pay.

A couple people to photos and videos and some even asked for a photo together. I politely declined though because I was so overwhelmed and I told them that and they were fine with just taking photos of me.

Once I got back to the hospital room and went up to Willie who looked very worried.

"What's wrong??" I say as I walk over to him.

"My first surgery is in a couple minutes." He says worried

I dropped my bags and went over to him and hugged him. " you know it'll be okay right?" I say to him

"Yeah I'm just worried." He says hugging me tightly.

"Its okay do you need any help with anything?" I ask him letting go of him.

"The doctor said I need to get into that gown over there and my hair needs to be in that cap, but they'll take care of everything else." He says bitting his nails.

"Okay, can I help you with that then?" I ask him

"Yes please" he says getting up and grabbing the gown very weakly.

Once he got on the gown I took the cap and put it on his head.

"You look cute still" I say to him making him smile. "You'll be okay, they'll take care of you" I continue telling him.

As the nurse came in with a bed they'd be using to roll him into the surgery room he stood up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back immediately realizing he's never hugged me this tight before.

"I'm scared" he says still hugging me tightly.

"I know" I say lifting him up a bit as we continue to hug. "I'll be right there after the surgeries done though." I continue to say

"Promise?" He asks

I pull away from the hug and we connect pinky's and kiss each other's hands

"Promise." I assure him.

They take him with the bed to the surgery room and I was escorted to wait out in the waiting room or go home. I stayed in the waiting room of course, just like I promised.

Word count: 1248

Let me know if this was boring or still interesting to read please!! Btw they won't always be at the hospital, school will start again.

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