I don't love anyone. (19)

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Abuse, blood

There was this warm feeling when I was around her. Something I had never experienced before, she knew about what I did with August and how I betrayed her then was assaulted. Yet she still is currently sitting on my bed next to me.

"You wanna get some food or something?" Felice asks making Sara jump out of her thoughts and back into the moment.

"Sure, wanna go out somewhere?" Sara replied feeling that warm feeling looking back into the other girls eyes.

"Sure, the pizzeria place a couple blocks down?" Felice asks noticing how deep Sara was looking into her eyes, which only made her smile in nervousness but deep down she knew she had a soft spot for Sara..something more than a friend would have, but she was too worried about her appearance to go through with it.

They walked down the street together not talking too much. The snow softly falling from the sky onto the ground got them both in a happy and joyful mood. Another thing they had in commun, their joy for winter.

"Do you feel the electricity between us?" Felice asks hoping they both mutually felt a connection.

"Mhhh mhm" Sara replies taken off guard.

"Am I more than a friend to you?" Felice boldly asks making Sara nervous by how abrupt she was.

"Of course you are, I feel what you feel." Sara says looking down nervously. She was trying so hard to end the conversation before her adhd said something stupid and messed up what was happening.

Felice grazed her hand on Sara's hair and in that moment their lips connected. A soft comforting feeling electrified Sara's body and in that moment she realized something. No matter who it was she didn't feel any affection for either gender.

She knew she didn't like guys from not having a crush on any of them as a child. When she was with August it wasn't his touch that made her stay. It was the thought of having someone who cared. She had used August just like August had used her.

She pulled away slightly as Felice was moving her hands in her hair softly.

"Are u okay?" Felice asked Sara as she was looking back at the ground.

"Yeah sorry I'm just nervous." Sara admits

"Don't be" felice says smiling and kissing the girl again.

Sara didn't know what to do with herself being in Felice's room awake after what had happened between them. Rethinking everything. She turned over to look at Felice to see her still fast asleep.

Sara needed to breathe, she needed to escape. Her thoughts, herself, everything.

She couldn't go to Simon because he was either at home or sleeping in Wilhelm's arms. It had been a few weeks since they had gotten serious so she really didn't want to mess things up again.

Mama would be asleep but she didn't really leave on good terms so there was one person she could go to. She didn't want to. She knew it was bad. But she felt like she was going to end up hurting herself or someone if she wasn't around someone.

She pulled her clothes back on and left Felice alone and started her walk to Bajstard. She hopped on the bus and went to her Dads appartement. She didn't want to but she knew it was the only place where she didn't feel hated or in the way, I mean like come on he was so desperately trying to hang out with her he wouldn't hurt her? He didn't hurt Simon? Right? Or did he? So many thoughts went through her head as she walked up the stairs to his door.

As she was knocking she looked at her arm and there it was. Her scar that he had given her when she was young. That was the place he would always hit when she was 'bad'. But it was too late he was already at the door.

"Oh hello my beautiful daughter Sara!!" He says seeming very happy.

He leaned in to hug her and she immediately smelt it. Alcohol, her childhood trauma rushed back. What am I doing here?? She thought to herself walking inside his apartment.

"So what brings you here at this hour?" He asks as she takes a seat on the couch.

"Wanted to hang out." She says trying not to sound too cold.

"Oh yes! Of course! My loving daughter who's been ignoring my calls and texts for months wants me back!" He says with a mad look on his face.

"No no no, mama took my phone." I lie scared for my life.

"Oh of course she did !" He says with a look of evil. "You're just like her !! So cruel and rude and ugly. You really need to fix your hair terrible. And that outfit what are you? Are you even my daughter. No you're a slut and a bitch who stabs people in the back." He says shoving her against the wall.

"I'm sorry!!" Sara cries into his arms pressing her against the wall.

"No you're not." He says and with one looked he punches her in the nose.

Blood. Sara hates blood. She faints when she sees it. And that's exactly what happened.


Word count: 910

Okay so like this is a new kinda of idea in the story, it won't always be like this but this gets a better view of Sara. Xx

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