Hospital Visit, But I Dont Let You Go

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Simons POV:

My baby. My love. My everything. There he was laying down sleeping like an angel. Erik and Kristina stepped out of the room for a minute to give me a sec.

I walked over to the bed and rested my hand on his cheek. Goosebumps I felt as I felt his warmth.

I felt a warm tear fall down my cheek and onto his cheek as I looked down at him. I giggled slightly and wiped the tear that had fallen onto him away.

I felt a smile creep across my face as I held his face.

I carefully laid down next to him cuddling him tightly. Me being on the right side of him, wrapping my legs around his and snuggling up next to him, feeling his heart beat.

Without second thought I started singing "dum" his favourite song which brought butterflies to my stomach, as I brushed his hair out of his face with my hand.

Varför vill jag ha det som jag aldrig kan få?

Jag borde släppa taget, men det blir aldrig så

Du gör mig dum

Du gör mig dum

Du gör mig dum

(It might be a bit confusing that the songs in Swedish but this is edvins favourite song from Omar so I felt like it was cute, so just try to ignore the fact it's Swedish and this stories english.)

why do I want what I can never have?
I should let do, but I never will,
You make me stupid
You make me stupid
You make me stupid

(OMG I didn't realize that's what the lyrics were pretend it meant something pretty okayyy 💀)

I felt as he curled up closer to me and rested his head on my arm wrapped around him. He looked like an angel..too beautiful to be mine. I thought as he slept. I continued singing until he slowly began to wake up. As his eyes gracefully started flickering open like butterfly wings, he looked up at me. He smiled so brightly as he felt the warmth of my body against his.

"Good morning love." I smiled as he continued to gaze up at me. His face so soft.

"Hey Simme." He said giving me butterflies.

I smiled then pushed a strand of his hair away from his face.

"How do you feel Wille?" I say making him smile.

"Good, I think? Right? Good news?" He asks me out of slight concern but still on his sleeping meds.

"Hm?" I ask to which he gives me a glare of wanting answers. I put my face closer to his to where our noses are touching. "Yeah, good news." I reply making him smile. "Really good news." I add making him smile even more. I was still holding him but he immediately hugged me. Tightly.

I was very surprised but couldn't help but feel a sense of 'it's going to actually be okay' feeling inside.

"No more?" He asks still hugging me.

"No more." I say tearing up, trying not to get too emotional.

We spend the next while just hugging.

After a while he was about to fall asleep again because it was very late and everyone else was asleep.

As I brushed his hair through my fingers as he lays in my arms I begin to talk again.

"You know, your mom she.." I said making him look up at me in confusion. "She hugged me earlier, before you woke up." I say making him shocked.

"Okay wait a damn mom? The queen of Sweden? The one who told me I couldn't be with you? The one who hated the fact that we were together.. SHE HUGGED YOU?!" He says in shock and slight excitement but more confusion.

"Yes!! I know isnt is weird??" I laughed.

"Yes indeed..very weird..very very weird." He replies making me laugh at the sex education 'very bad' reference I know he loves to use.

"I guess she's a changed man huh?" He says making me laugh once more.

"Don't call the queen of Sweden a man wille!!" I jokingly say slightly pushing his arm.

"I can call her wHaTeVeR I want" he pouts.

"Anywayssssss I just wanted to say that she said she was sorry for how she treated me." I continue after having a laughing fit with wille.

"Good, she should be sorry." He laughs.

I ended up giving in and we laughed for the rest of the night until we eventually fell asleep again.

Hej!! I kinda had an idea for what this chapter was going to be but it ended up just being very fluffy hahahaha!! Anyways did u enjoy it?? Are u excited for Simon to find out about the new royal baby!!? Are u excited for the vacation?!!!

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