Are you sure you're okay? (12)

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Wilhelms pov:

Once we got to the place I got a weird feeling. It wasn't quite anxiety. As we walked out of the car I turned to Simon with a terrible look on my face. He looked very concerned about what was going on and pulled me to the side before going inside the palace.

"Are you okay Willie??" He says putting his warm hand on my forehead.

"I feel weird." I reply probably being too honest but he's my boyfriend so he should probably know.

"Do you need to lay down or anything?" He asks.

"No no it's okay don't worry about it." I say trying not to worry him.

As we walked inside the palace my parents were both sitting in the dinning room ready to have a talk with Simon and I.

"Wilhelm. Enter please, and Simon." Mom says clearing her throat.

We both go to sit down right near each other holding hands.

"Wilhelm you need to marry a girl. No guy will ever care for you like a female will. Being gay isn't a thing honey, you see." Mom says giving me the look.

"And how would you know?" I snap back trying to keep my cool, while still feeling a bit ill.

"I know because it doesn't happen in our bloodline." Mom says looking over at Simon.

"We can get a donor or something, or we can adopt. Not everything has to be like this." I say trying not to get emotional.

"Okay okay there you go again. I'm just saying love is between a man and a woman and nothing else." Mom says

"Well I think you're wrong" I snap back

"Wilhelm, don't make this harder than it has to be. Say goodbye to your little friend and get a girlfriend." Mom says back

"This is what you always do, just because I'm not exactly like Erik doesn't mean I'm less than him. IM A DIFFERENT PERSON. Can you get that clear already?? No ones having a hard time by the fact that the prince is homosexual but you mom !! Dad was fine with it, Erik was fine with it. Why can't you just be okay with it??" I say angry at her.

By the time our argument cooled down it was already past lunch time about 15:00.

My feeling has turn into a headache really fast and I was starting to get chest pain. Simon and I were just laying in my bed when I felt light headed and almost passing out.

I cough loud as Simon turns towards me again.

"Willie?! Are you okay??" He says as my eyes were closing.

"I cant breathe" I reply gasping for air

He then took my clothes and loosened them to help me breathing.

"Deep breathe 1...2....3...." He says as I'm trying harder to breathe.

"Yeah you're okay, that's right Willie, 1...2....3..." he continues.

Once my breathing got more regular he suggests we sit outside on my balcony in my room to get some fresh air, I nod and we go outside.

We stayed there for a bit me in Simons lap trying to calm down a bit more, breathing in the cool crisp air.

"You need anything else? Like water maybe?" He asks me.

"No I'm okay." I reply the first thing I've said in over 30 minutes.

"Okay" he replies gently cuddling me.

We spent the rest of the day in my room and on the balcony, dinner was very awkward between my parents, Simon and I. Erik was out with his friends so wouldn't be home until later.

We were in bed trying to fall asleep cuddling each other, his arms wrapped about me and his mouth being so close to mine they could touch.

"I love you so much." Simon whispers to me closing his eyes.

"I love you so much too" I reply with the same hushed tone which made him giggle a bit.

We both quietly fell asleep.

Simons POV:

All day today I've been worried about Wilhelm, he looks a bit pale and has been having a hard time breathing.

I enjoy my sleep quite a lot but I'm also a very light sleeper when I'm nervous. I kept my hand on his heart all night to make sure that he was okay. The soft beats of his heart made me feel better. I knew the pattern and by the time we both fell asleep I assured myself he would be okay. Or at least I really prayed he would.

I woke up multiple times during the night to his heart beat slowly increasing. I opened my eyes and looking up at him to listen to his breathing to make sure it was normal than to make sure checked his pulse. I was pretty used to checking people's pulses from my father after many times of finding him passed out at home.

Once he woke up in the morning I could feel it through his heart beat and slight movement. He kisses me on the forehead lightly and I smiled.

"Good morning love" I say with my eyes still closed.

"Good morning." He says back calmly. "Did I wake you babe? I'm sorry" he continued

"No no don't worry about it. I've been sleeping lightly all night just in case something like yesterday happens again." I say looking up at him

His mouth opens in awe and he says "nooo no you didn't."

"I promise it was the least I could do. Do you feel any better love?" I ask stroking his hair behind his ear.

He lays back as if he was staring at the starts which made me smile. "Well i still have a headache, and heavy breathing but I feel so warm in my heart which makes me so happy." He says looking at me.

I let out an even bigger smile then kiss him for a second not too long because of his breathing, but as a pull away he pulls me back for a few more seconds, before he pulls away to cough.

"Willie you need to see a doctor or something, your lungs shouldn't be giving out on you this easily." I say rubbing his back to help his breathing.

"I will" he says once he catches his breathe.

Word count: 1064

What do you think is wrong with Willie? 🤔

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