Deja vu my love (17)

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Wilhelms pov:

Throughout the last couple of days everything's been pretty quiet. Simon's insisted on staying by my side which I have to admit is the best feeling ever. Even though I said I wanted to go to school I have to say it makes me very nervous. Why? August.

Today's the day January 8th the day we go back. Technically classes start on the 10th but it's nice to get used to Hillerska and get Simon back with his family for a bit.

As we exit the palace my mother is no longer there to wish us good luck on the school year it's just my brother Erik. I prefer it like this but it does hurt. As I hug Erik goodbye I see my mother from the top of the palace stairs giving me a wave, I politely wave back which catches the attention of Erik.

"Why is she even trying anymore" he says annoyed

"Not sure" I reply with feeling uncomfortable with the question and just wanting to go into the royal car and snuggle with Simon.

Once I got into the car we started making our way back to hillerska. We arrived just after lunch was served and we went up to my dorm.

"For some reason I recognize this room" Simon says smirking

"Really? It's just the place where we did the nasty and got caught." I said laughing moving closer to Simon.

"We could do some of that stuff again you know?" He said winking.

"Really?" I said more intrigued on the conversation.

"Mhm, Malin just can't know cuz you aren't supposed too" he says walking closer to me to the point where our foreheads were touching.

"And we stop if anything isn't right?" I ask knowing exactly what he meant.

"Of course" he says kissing me, the kiss started soft but powerful.

I took my hand and started stroking his hair gracefully. We then started rubbing my back with his hand and playing his other hand up my shirt.

We all know what happens and I'm not gonna write about it loll. #devilsdevilstango

I woke up before Simon in my bed, and checked the time to see it was 16:00. I turned over to face Simon to see that he was still asleep. I stroke his face with my hand lightly admiring his beautiful features.

His eyes fluttered open softly and he smiled seeing me beside him.

"Good evening snuggle bug" I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Good evening" he says giggling a bit. "Are you okay?" He asks

"Mhmmmm, I'm better than okay how are you?" I say making him smile joyfully.

"I'm good too, curtains closed?" He asks only half joking.

"Will always be" I reply laughing.

We both make eye contact with each other and burst out laughing as I hug him tightly still laying in bed.

We laid in bed for a couple hours just cuddling and enjoying talking to each other until we heard a knock at the door.

"Malin?" I ask slightly confused

"No it's August." I hear from a terribly familiar voice.

Me and Simon look at each other both with the same expression knowing we don't want to talk to him.

"Go away" Simon shouts still laying in bed cuddling me.

"Simon can I talk to Wilhelm alone?" August asks realizing Simon was with me.

"No if you're going to talk to me Simons not going to leave." I shout back at the door.

"Fine, but can we at least talk inside?" August asks.

"Fine just give me a second" I reply hoping out of bed and putting my clothes on.

Simon did the same and once he was done he looked over at me and gave me a hug and whispered "You're okay I'll be here".

I pulled away smiling then went to open the door.

As I open the door slightly August comes in as if he felt that he had no choice.

"Um hi?" I ask noticing August was already past me and closer to Simon.

Simon backed away from August in shock then came closer to me.

"So the queen was talking to me and says that I'm responsible for you Wilhelm with your cancer and stuff she wants the media to feel bad for you. So she sent me to post stuff and dramatize it to benefit the royal family. So I'm going to be here a lot now." August says smiling.

"What the fuck??" Simon says cutting August off.

"What? It's a good plan and plus you guys have forgiven me-" August says before I cut him off

"No we haven't and no that's not a good idea. I'm dying and you're using that for clout??" I say upset.

"Well you don't have to make it sound so harsh man" he says trying to pat me on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I say swatting his hand away and moving closer to Simon.

"Fine well I'm going to be checking up on you and posting stuff on an update account every hour or so." He says

"So no privacy??" Simon says sounding mad.

"And is that a problem?" August adds

"Yes" I reply

"You've never had privacy anyways." August says

At this moment I started to feel more and more faint and sat on my bed. Simon noticed and without hesitation sat beside me and checked my heart beat on my thumb. When he noticed it rising quickly he took out one of my needles and gave it to me in the arm to help my breathing.

"August can you leave please." Simon says giving me another medication holding up my head just in case I faint.

Then I heard a camera sound and a photo had been taken.

"This is great" august says opening Instagram and posting the photo almost immediately.

"AUGUST." Simon screams still trying to help me.

"MALIN" Simon continues as Malin races in the room.

"Can you get August out of here then help me?" Simon asks as Malin was already escorting August out of my room.

Once Malin had got back in the room she worked on breathing with me and my heart rate got a lot better almost immediately.

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