Morning kisses (18)

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The two of them had ate and done Willie's meds then were fast asleep in Willie's room. School was starting tomorrow so they wanted to get some good sleep before.

It was around 3:00 am when Willie's thumb monitor went off signifying an increase in his heart rate which woke them both up almost immediately.

"You okay babe?" Simon asks wide awake as Willie was still a bit dozed off.

"Mhh not sure" Willie says opening his eyes more and checked the numbers through the monitor.

"Probably just need more meds." Willie says as Simon gets up and grabs his bag to get a needle.

"Love, you can go back to sleep I can just do it." Willie says not wanting to put too much responsibility on Simon.

"Nope I promise to take care of you when you're sick." Simon says about to put the needle into Willie's arm.

"I love you so much." Willie says sticking his lips out for a kiss.

Simon kisses him lightly then put the needle in.
Then another one, then finally one more as Willie laid down.

"It'll be okay" Simme says putting the needle down then giving him a hug before dozing off again.

*beep beep* the sound of the alarm going off with the beaming sunlight shining perfectly on the two boys as they wake up.

Willie's eyes flutter open to a warm feeling of the sun on his body and Simon in his arms. He smiles happily at the thought of Simon no longer being his secret and everyone knowing about their relationship.

"Love?" He asks seeing Simon was still asleep.

"Mhh five more minutes" Simme says not opening his eyes but smiling at the feeling of Willie's body.

"Because I love you I'll give you five more minutes" Willie says smiling.

While Simon was sleeping Willie went to go on social media and by social media he scrolled through Twitter.

Oh my God he thought to himself seeing that August had really posted about last night.

'Does the prince have no privacy?'

'Marry me'

'Poor Wilhelm why are people posting this'

'The prince really is dying from the disease that  the boy he fucked gave him'

What? That comment stuck out to him. Why would someone write Simon didn't give me any diseases he thought to himself.

Wilhelms pov:

Ugh I cant think of that right now. Just ignore it was my best choice. I look over to Simon to see that he was still sleeping. But oh my god he looked so cute I wanted to cry. I took a photo cuz it would be perfect to update my Twitter feed and let everyone know that I am okay and that Simon was okay too.

I created a new post and captioned it 'good morning from prince Wilhelm. Snuggling with love in bed before classes is such a mood booster.' Then I attach a photo. The photo I had just taken. Before posting it I had to ask Simon if I could attach the photo.

"Simme?" I ask.

"Mhm?" He says back almost immediately.

"Can I post this?" I ask forcing him to open his eyes to see what it was.

He looked at it then smiled and kissed me.

"Yeah definitely " he says which makes me smile.

I post it and then I force him to wake up and we get ready.

"Breakfast opens in 5 minutes boys." I hear Malin say through the door.

"Thanks malin" i say before leaving with Simon.

Once we make it to the main building we walk in hand in hand making some look up.

Simon gets his breakfast then we sit down next to each other. I pull out my needles and start injecting them into the small IV tube on my wrist.

Simon was eating still as I finished up my 'breakfast'

"You sure you don't want any? It's eggs" Simme says looking at me.

"Mhhh I could try some but don't be upset if I spit it out." I reply laughing slightly.

"That's okay" he says laughing back and feeding me some of his eggs.

And as expected from me, I  gagged it back out onto the napkin.

"Soon enough" Simon says kissing my forehead.

And off the class we were for the day.

Word count 750

Hiii short chapter but might post more often but shorter ones..also when I was in the shower boom I had the best idea so stay tuned !!

Godnatt <333

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