Love, don't die please.

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Wilhelms pov:

*beep beep beep beep* the alarm that I love and hate. I love because I get to see the love of my life in my arms, but I hate because I know I have to leave the love of my life in a few hours.

Touch. The feeling of his legs wrapped around mine, making it impossible to imagine leaving him.

"Love, I need to get ready soon" I say opening my eyes to see his beautiful face, happily sleepy still.

I inch closer to him and slightly sit up, then give him kisses. A few on the forehead, one on the tip of his nose, his lips, his cheeks, and along his jawline. I just want him to know how much I really do care about him. How much he's helped with my cancer, how loving he is.

I stopped and went to get up but he stopped me smiling with his eyes still closed.

Grabbing onto my chest he says "more kisses" then looks right up at me. And I didn't hesitate to give him more kisses.

After I get up and start getting ready. I'm really not sure what to expect but I can't imagine it being worse than the day I found out Erik was in a car accident, I'm still so thankful he survived. I put on a blue sweater and some jeans then get ready to leave.

"You're actually going to leave me?" Simon says giving me a glare still laying in bed.

"I have to." I say looking down feeling bad.

"Well come here and give me a hug and kiss before you go." Simon Insists

And I don't hesitate "I love youuuu" I groan kissing him.

"I love you too, now I'm going to bed." Simon says

I laugh at how adorable he is then get up to leave.

"Wait.." Simon says making me turn around before leaving. "Take your meds and stay safe please" he says with tears in his eyes.

I run over and hug him. "I'll be okay" I tell him letting him cry on my shoulder.

"But I actually have to go" I say looking sad.

"Okay well go before I make you stay" Simon says as I'm leaving.

Simons POV:

It was Saturday, crisp weather with a spring breeze. When Willie left I got up and started getting changed. I knew what I was going to do today, I was going to see my father. After what he did to Sara I had to.

I put on willie's grey sweat pants and my purple hoodie then left the room to find Sara.

"Sara?" I say knocking on her door.

"Yes simme?" She says sounding like she was crying.

"Can I come in?" I ask

"Mhm" she mumbled

I walk in and see her on the floor laying down.

"Sara are you okay?" I ask running over to her giving her a hug.

"Dads a bitch." She says and with that answer I knew she wasn't.

"I know, I'm going to talk to him today and tell him to stay away from you. I promise." I say making her feel better.

"Thank you, I'm going to hangout with felice and Madison later, I'll see you afterwards okay?" She says.

"Yes" I say getting up and leaving.

Thoughts I had going to his apartment. What a kid friendly and family apartment building, ruined by a drug addict, someone who harasses their family members.

I didn't knock, I walked in as if I owned the place.

"Michael?!" I scream, noticeably scaring him who was watching tv.

"Simon it's dad." He says looking like he's in a bad mood.

"No, you might be legally my dad but you will never be my dad in my eyes. Fathers don't leave their family for drugs and alcohol. They don't abandon everyone for themselves! They don't harass their family !!" I screamed making my throughout hurt.

He stayed quiet shocked at what I just said.

"I needed the drugs to function, and your mom didn't understand that!! I have adhd." He insists

"How stupid do you think we are?!!! You will do ANYTHING to get high or drunk!! I haven't come here to argue I came to tell you. STAY AWAY FROM SARA, STAY AWAY FROM MAMA, STAY AWAY FROM WILHELM, AND STAY AWAY FROM ME." I screamed back.

"So the prince is now family huh? Bullshit." He scoffed.


"Doesn't he have cancer or am I just hearing wrong information, he'll die you'll come back to me in no time." He replied knowing what he was doing.


"You disgusting bitch, you know these drugs were worth leaving you." He says pushing me against the wall and punching me in the cheek.

"OWW" I yelped in pain. "You're crazy." I continue.

He let go of me slightly then my phone went off. It was the royal line. I knew something was seriously wrong. I knew exactly what it was about. And it hurt my soul knowing I left him to see this drug man.

Word count: 902

Omgggg it's getting good again 😩 okay but like I lost motivation for a while but this one. Oooop okie bye.

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