Part 12: Satoshi and Tadao

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Aimi's POV

"Takuto?" I asked while waving my arms which is full of bandages.

"What?" He asked in his venomous voice.

"Carry me?" I asked while trying to move the wheelchair to him which I can't, since both of my fist is broken. -.-

"Ugh.." Takuto complained and stands up and carries me.

"Damn! You are so heavy and ugly!" He says teasingly and began laughing, which I just looked down which made him stop.

"Look at what you've done Takkun! You just made her sad!" Hiro said angrily and takes me into his arms.

"Stop your insults already! It isn't nice!" Hiro said for the first time being angry, which made the guy's jaw drop in shock, while I started to remember things I always try to forget.

'HAHAHAHA!! LOOK AT YOU AIMI! YOU LOOK SO UGLY!' A boy from the orphanage said to the younger me.

'Shut up! I look perfectly fine!' The younger me shouted back at him angrily.

'Hahaha! Aimi sure is ugly! She looks like a pig!' Another boy said teasing the young me.

'I-I am not a pig nor ugly!' The young me retorted back which they just laughed and the young me began to show her sad blue eyes which is now forming tears.

'Hey! Stop being mean to Aimi-chan!' Atsuko says at the two boys, along with Mariko, Satoshi, and Tadao.

'What? Stop going with this freak guys! She is ugly! And compared to Mariko and Atsuko, she is nothing at your line! She is too ugly and the both of you are pretty!' The boy said earlier and I teared up and ran away to our room and locked myself up for 3 days without eating or drinking anything, but being locked inside the room.

"It's fine Hiro... I always get bullied when I was young, also I am ugly and look like a pig." I say while my eyes began to tear up.

"No! You are very cute! Don't let Takkun's insults get into you!" Hiro says with a high tone.

I just nodded my head and he glares at Takuto.

"Don't talk to her Takkun, that is a really bad thing to do." Hiro said coldly and brings me to Riki's room with the guys frozen at the floor.


"I'm sorry I didn't fight back at Takuto's insult." I say while Hiro lies me down in the bed.

"Nah, actually you shouldn't let Takuto's words get to you, he is perhaps a tsundere." Hiro says going back to his joyful and cheery side.

"I don't know. I was always bullied of being a pig and ugly so I should really get use to it." I say while lying down on the bed, "And I want to eat pork noodles again too, I guess I need to stop eating when I'm stress, huh?" I ask Hiro who just sat beside the bed.

"Nah, I think people get happy when they eat. Especially when it's their favorite." Hiro says and gives a reassuring smile.

"Thank you." I say while smiling gratefully at him while sitting up, when he suddenly looked away, and I see his ears getting light pink.

"Hiro?" I ask him which he just shrug his shoulders and stand up.

"I-I'm gonna get some pork noodles for you." He says still looking away with pink ears and goes outside the room.

I just sigh and lie down on the bed again, and began to re-think all that has happened when I was with the Black Foxes.

"So, first I was kidnapped because I'm the great-granddaughter of Leonardo da Vinci, second they needed me and my fingerprints to unlock the most valuable treasure that my Gramps left for me, then third, I got injured because of hurting myself with a blade and punching two mirrors broken?" I asked myself and closed my eyes, then Hiro gets inside of the room.

"Hey, here's your pork noodles." He says while smiling at me while bringing some pork noodles.

"Huh? Oh, thank you!" I say while smiling at him and he sits down and puts the pork noodles on the table, "Help me again, please." I say shortly and raised my arms.

"Oh right." He says and scratches the back of his head cutely, the began to feed me.

After a while, I finished eating and I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:32 P.M.

"Hey Hiro, don't you have school tomorrow?" I ask him which he just shook his head and smiled.

"Taking care of you is more important." He says while giving me a thumbs up.

"Thank you so much for today, Hiro." I say and hugged him, "You remind me of Satoshi and Tadao." I say and began to tear up, "But, I hope you guys don't leave me like they did." I say and cried bitterly.

"Shhh, we won't Aimi-chan! We will always be right here!" He says and wipes my tears away.

"You guys are the only one I treasure left." I say and wipe my tears with the blanket.

"Aww... It's ok Aimi, we will always be right here with you." He says and pats my head gently.

"Thank you." I say and lie down.

"Your welcome." He says and gets my hand and lays a kiss on it, and he stands up and closes the door and left the room.


Hi! You cutie guys missed me? Haha, I know you don't. ^.^

So...yeah.. -.-" I know I picked Takuto but..I'm planning on making her close to-- *covers mouth* Holy shit did I say something?? O.O Eh, nevermind. XD Oh yeah, mah husbands are Hiro Sarashina and Joshua Lieben. :3 So my full name will be Julie Sarashina Lieben.. XDDD I just wrote this 'cause I'm bored. If you are bored too, let's talk! ^.^

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