Chapter 16: Resolve

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Yo! Since I didn't update last week, I decided to post another chapter. Trying to catch up with all of my homework and doing future homework, but failing at that. I still manage to write these chapters though. Lot of work, but I'll get through it somehow...maybe, not really.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy another chapter of Lost Christmas! Until next weekend...I'm pretty sure I can bring back my weekly updates.

I also posted one of the soundtracks from Fairy Tail: Seigi no Chikara. Ok enjoy!



Loud sobs echoed throughout the pass. Tears were continuously rolling down Lucy and Happy's faces as they mourn for their best friend and partner. They still held onto each other, searching for that comfort they so desperately needed.

"Lucy, I miss Natsu so much," Happy muffled in between each sob.

The celestial spirit mage tightened her hug on the exceed. "I miss him too he's gone, and it's all my fault..." Lucy cried even more when she whispered that last part.

Happy was able to hear what she said though. He slowly pulled away from Lucy's embrace and looked at her face. Tears were falling down, but what really bothered the exceed was the fact that her eyes not only expressed sadness and despair, but also guilt.

"I couldn't save him...and he...he was there to save me every single time. I'm so sorry...I wasn't strong enough to protect the person I love the most..." Lucy's tears seemed to fall nonstop after saying that.

"Lucy..." Happy was somewhat shocked at Lucy's confession. He just watched her as she let out all of her emotions right in front of him. The exceed was so worried about her right now, and he had no idea what to do. So he just followed his instincts and wiped her tears.

Lucy's eyes widen and slowly jerked her head back. "Happy..." the celestial spirit mage whispered.

"Lucy, please don't blame yourself for what happened. And don't say you aren't strong as well. Natsu wouldn't like that at all...and neither do I."


"Are we ever going to finish this or do I have to wait for a million years?"

There was a yawn in that sentence, but all Lucy and Happy could pay attention to was the owner of that voice. Their widened eyes slowly turned to the right, but what they saw surprised them.

Ayame stood there just a few feet away from the two, but she wasn't alone. She was holding an unconscious Luna in her arms.

"Luna!" Lucy and Happy let go of their embrace and tried to rescue the star, but they were blown away by Ayame's attack.

"I'm getting bored and that dragon slayer is no longer here to entertain me. Maybe I'll kill her to get rid of my boredom." The ice demon had an evil grin while she said that.

"Tch," Lucy hissed as she clenched her fists. A little breeze blew through as a figure quickly passed her. "Happy!" Lucy was shocked at his actions.

Happy was dashing toward the ice demon as fast as he can. With all of his power, Happy charged and gave Ayame a headbutt to her gut. At its impact, the ice demon lost her grip on the star, who landed in Happy's arms. Happy told Lucy to catch Luna and then threw her to the blonde. Lucy caught her and checked to see if Luna was alright. She sighed in relief, but that quickly went away when she saw a furious ice demon coming for Happy.

"Happy get out of there!" Lucy screamed, but her warning was too late. Ayame roughly grabbed Happy by his neck and suspended him in the air.

"Maybe I'll kill you first for that little stunt..." Ayame grinned at the exceed, who was gasping for air.

"Happy!" Lucy was about to summon a spirit when Happy's scream filled the air.

"Don't even try to save him, unless you was a headless cat." Ayame continued to crush the exceed's neck.

"No way..." Lucy whispered.

"" The celestial spirit mage looked up to see Happy struggling to get out of Ayame's grip. "R-run..." Happy was slowly losing consciousness, but he tried his best to stay awake, more or less, alive.

Lucy didn't know what to do. She wasn't going to run away and leave her nakama behind. But Happy was being choked to death and she couldn't do anything about it other than watch.

Lucy suddenly had images flashing right before her eyes. Images that she didn't want to experience ever again: Natsu's death. She remembered how their fingers touch. How he desperately called out her name and Happy's name as he fell to his death. How she wasn't able to save him.

'No, not again! What can I do though. I'm about to lose another loved one and I can't do anything about it other than cry my eyes out. Why do I have to be so weak?! I can't even protect the people I love...and now...'

"Natsu...Happy..." Lucy whispered. Then she hissed.

"Dammit!" Lucy cursed under her breath, but that didn't stop the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes.

'Lucy...' The celestial spirit mage jumped in surprise when she heard her name being called in her subconscious. 'Telepathy?' Lucy wondered.

'You are not weak, and you never were in the first place. So stop doubting yourself already.'

The voice sounded calm, but also familiar. 'L-Luna?!' Lucy looked down at the star on her lap. Luna slowly opened her eyes and gave the blonde a subtle smile.

'Lucy, you are really strong. Natsu and Happy and Fairy Tail think you're really strong. Everyone believes in you, so you should believe in yourself as well.'

Lucy was speechless. Her eyes slowly wandered off to her guild mark. At that moment, Lucy knew what she had to do.

"Luna, I'm going to leave you here now, okay?" The star just nodded and Lucy gently placed her on the snow.

Lucy slowly stood up. 'I can cry later, but right now, Happy needs me the most, and I'll do whatever it takes to save him.'

Ayame noticed Lucy standing up and walking toward her. "I thought I warned you--" She wasn't able to finish her sentence due to the fact that Lucy gave her a Lucy Kick right in the gut, sending the ice demon into the wall.

Happy fell into Lucy's arms. She brought him back to where Luna is and gently laid him down on the snow. "L-Lucy..." Happy said breathlessly.

"It's okay. You'll be alright." Lucy gave Happy a reassuring smile.

"Lucy how can you be so reckless?! I told you to run away!" Happy yelled at his teammate.

"How can I run away when I was about to lose someone that I love?" Happy couldn't see Lucy's eyes due to the fact that they were covered by her bangs, but he did see a few tears falling on the ground.

"Remember what I said..." Lucy lifted her head up and gave Happy her signature smile. "It's always more fun when we're together."

"Lucy..." Happy said sadly.

"Besides..." Lucy said as she stood up and directed her attention to Ayame.

The ice demon emerged from the wall she struck. She got into her battle stance and glared at Lucy with a murderous intent.

"I'm not going to lose another person that I love and hold dear to my heart...that's why..." Lucy got into her battle stance as well, eyes filled with determination. "I'll fight to protect the people that I love!"

Happy didn't know if he was imaging things, but he thought he saw Natsu right beside Lucy. Happy smiled as a single tear rolled down his face. "I believe in you too Lucy...Please be safe..." With that, Happy slowly lost consciousness.

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