Chapter 29: Fire and Fury

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I took forever with the ending of that previous chapter. I did not know how to end that chapter. And to be honest, I don't know where to go from there. I think I had everything after this chapter well planned out. I was suffering from writer's block so bad. I don't think I've ever had writer's block. I don't know, but I just couldn't figure out how to write this chapter. Reason why I couldn't really post this chapter sooner.

Anyways, who enjoyed the previous chapter? I'm just messing with you guys. Let this chapter slightly lift up your spirits, only to let them fall into despair once again. Just kidding...

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter. Until next time. 


I wasn't really sure if I wanted to use this song, but it inspired me. The song for this chapter is Fire and Fury by Skillet.


The only sounds that could be heard within the cave was the occasional clashing of fire and ice. Nothing else. No one dared to say a single word to each other. As much as they wanted to say something, or do anything to help, they knew that it was useless. They couldn't tame the dragon and the demon. All they can do is watch the battle unfold from a distance.

"Natsu..." Happy sadly called out his name as he watched his best friend go on a fiery rampage. He felt so useless to just stand here and do nothing, but what can he do? If he went out there right now, he would only get burned to a crisp, and that wasn't something Natsu needed.

Luna flew over to Happy's side and floated right beside him. She couldn't believe how much fire power was put into each punch and kick that he gave. She looked back at Lucy's body, which was still being held by Layla. Luna started to cry again as her eyes fell upon her body. She just couldn't take it anymore.

Nobody can take the pain anymore. Everything hurts so much, and they just wanted everything to end.


Fire and ice were evenly matched. Neither Natsu nor Frost would back down from this fight, and it looked like this fight wasn't going to end anytime soon. They didn't think about that at all. The only thing that went through their minds is to avenge their lost loved ones. To do that, they will fight each other until the bitter end.

Eventually, both Natsu and Frost were standing just a few feet away from each other, trying to catch their breaths. It wasn't planned at all, but both of them decided to cease fire at the moment to take a little break. Continuously using their magic is too dangerous. The fact that they kept this battle to go on this long is something, and neither of them didn't look like they were able to last for another moment.

Even then, neither of them wanted to give up. Both of them were fighting for someone, and they would do anything but giving up. But not everyone can get what they want. Frost knew he couldn't move anymore. His body felt heavy and the effort he exerted was futile. He wanted to pummel the dragon slayer, but with his magic on the verge of depletion, he couldn't do much.

Although the same can be said for Natsu, he refused to give up. He screamed with all of his might as he desperately tried to move. He just couldn't give up. He wouldn't allow that to happen.

Natsu dug both of his feet into the ground, despite the fact that the ground was made out of cold hard stone, and got ready to charge in. Frost was surprised. This guy went through the same things that he did, and yet he could still move his body. What the hell is this guy?

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