Chapter 24: Lights

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Yo! Hope I didn't make you guys wait too long. That would be bad. Anyways, there's not really a lot of things for me to say. So, I hope you enjoy another chapter of Lost Christmas!


I dedicate this chapter to xaxa2001.


It was already past midnight when the group decided to retire for the night. Everyone was now fast asleep, getting the rest that they need for their mission. This mission was the very reason why they came to Mt. Aurora in the first place. Although there were a few setbacks that prevented Team Natsu from completing their mission sooner, it wouldn't stop them from finishing what they started.

Even though it is very important for everyone to get a good night sleep, Lucy just couldn't reach that stage. A lot of things were still in her mind. The mission. The battles between Frost and Ayame. Luna's revelation. The snow-based activities and enjoyment she shared with her friends did take her mind out of these events, but her thoughts would eventually resurface again.
Thinking that she wouldn't fall asleep any time soon, Lucy decided to take a short walk. She carefully got out of her sleeping bag and quietly crept through the campsite. Before leaving, she double-checked to make sure that no one was awake. When she was positive that everyone was fast asleep, Lucy escaped.

The celestial spirit mage slowly wandered through the snowy grounds, not having a single clue as to where she was going. It was better than tossing and turning all night long. All that she had right now were her thoughts. Taking a walk along the snow trails seemed like a good idea at first, but it just didn't clear her mind. She lifted her head up and scanned the area. It was there, the girl realized how far she has traveled. The good thing was that she could see the campsite. It was barely visible, but she could still see it. Lucy knew that she was going to lose sight of camp if she continued to move on, but that wouldn't stop the thoughts swarming in her head. She decided to keep on walking, to see where her mind was taking her.

Turning her back to the camp, Lucy noticed some trees shrouding the area. They seem to even make some sort of gateway leading to something. Curious about this trail, Lucy started to follow the pathway. The area was starting to brighten up as she advanced. The shadows of the night were gradually fading away and the light of the moon and stars was shining her way. Noticing this difference, Lucy quickened her pace. There was something special about this path and she could feel it.

All of a sudden, Lucy heard a rustling sound in the distance. She abruptly stopped walking and quickly observed her surroundings. A rustling sound went off again. Lucy pinpointed the sound and grabbed her keys. Good thing she already had her keys equipped just in case. She cautiously approached the source of the sound. A white rabbit suddenly emerged, somewhat startling the blonde. When she realized that it was just a rabbit, Lucy sighed with relief. After calming herself down, the celestial spirit mage turned around to continue her walk.

As she was near the end of the trail, Lucy felt something soft and light land on her nose. She tilted her head up and saw tiny bits of snow falling from the night sky. Her eyes twinkled when she also noticed the moon and stars shining brightly up above. With a combination of the luminescent moon and stars plus the glistening white snow, it was another winter wonderland that Lucy never wanted to leave.

'Mt. Aurora sure has a lot of beautiful sceneries.'

All this excitement from the snow was bubbling up within Lucy. She held both of her hands out to feel the snow gently landing on the palms of her hands. She even stuck her tongue out to taste the little droplets of snow. Lucy couldn't help but giggle at her own excitement over something as small as snow. It didn't matter though. No one can stop her from having this moment. She just wanted moments like this to last forever. Unable to hold in her happiness, Lucy started spinning over and over again.

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