Chapter 12: Another One

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Hi everyone! I'm just going to say this one more time: I'm really sorry for not updating in a while. Moving on from that....started and caught up with Nanatsu no Taizai in two days. Yeah...not the best student. As for the latest chapter of Fairy Tail, ugh I'm so proud of Lucy, even though her new ability was used in a comical sense. Natsu being badass...the real monster there. Ok enough of that.

Well, this is so overdue, but here's another chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy!


I dedicate this chapter to all of my supporters and followers. So thank you everyone!


"Hey Luna, are we almost at their hideout?" asked Lucy.

"Not really. We still need to enter this pass first." Luna pointed at the mountain pass in front of them.

Everyone observed the path in front of them. There was a narrow path that was connected to the mountain. To the right of the path was a huge trench that seem to have no end to it.

"Oh and I must warn everyone that this area apparently makes flying and floating off of the ground impossible. So Happy and I have to walk on foot." The little star started to walk on the ground after she said that. Happy started to follow Luna's actions after her warning.

"Do we really have to go through here?" Lucy asked nervously as she pointed at the narrow path with her trembling finger.

Luna sadly nodded. "Unfortunately this is the only way."


"Lucy, hurry up. You're so slow!"

Lucy looked up to see Natsu and Happy steadily walking along the narrow path.

"Eh!" She exclaimed as she turned around and then looked at the boys again. 'Weren't they behind me just a few seconds ago?!'

Lucy also noticed that she was standing here all alone. She found Luna slowly walking along the path as well, right behind Natsu and Happy.

"W-wait for me!" Lucy tried to carefully catch up to her teammates.


"Are we there yet? I'm getting tired," said the celestial spirit mage.

"Ne Natsu, I'm starting to get tired as well." Happy sighed.

They have been walking for a while now. Both Lucy and Happy were tired and ready to just collapse on the ground.

"If I'm correct, there should be an empty space up ahead," said Luna.

"Really?!" Lucy and Happy said with relief as their eyes sparkled. They needed a break from all this walking.

Luna nodded. "I see it." Natsu pointed to the empty space Luna was talking about just now. It was like a wide bridge that connected the two mountains. Lucy and Happy pushed Natsu through the pathway so they can finally take a break.

When all of them arrived, Lucy and Happy just collapsed. "Finally, somewhere I can lie down!" The two said in unison. Natsu was somewhat mad at them for pushing him, but quickly forgot about it. Along with Luna, he just smiled and then sat down on the ground, making a circle between the four of them.

"This is the only resting area around this pass. After this, we have to keep on moving for a while," Luna pointed out.

Lucy and Happy sat up after they had their little break. Just having that got them refreshed and ready to go again.

"So Luna, how long have you known Lucy?" asked the blue exceed as he chewed on his fish. Natsu and Lucy also listened in on their conversation, curious about the star.

"Hmmm...I think when she was four years old."

"That long?" asked Lucy. Luna nodded.

"Lucy is so old," Natsu pointed out.

"Aye!" said Happy.

"Shut up! You're probably a year older than me Natsu," the celestial spirit mage said as she glared at the boys.

Luna just laughed at the three of them. "All of you remind me of my family. The way you talk to each other, share your laughter, and everything my family would do." Everyone stopped talking and looked at the star.

"Ah well, I never knew my birth parents. All I remember is Layla and Jude finding me in the park and bringing me home to their four year old daughter."

"Luna..." Lucy said worriedly. Luna noticed the girl's sad tone and placed her hands on top of Lucy's.

"But don't worry about it. I always thought of you, Layla, and Jude as my second family. We would always spend time together as one; playing in the garden when the sun was out and listening to bedtime stories at night. I may not have known my birth family, but I was loved and I loved them as well; that's all that matters."

"Luna..." Lucy said once again, but this time with happiness. Tears were forming in her eyes; tears of joy that is. The celestial spirit mage hugged the little star. "I love you too..."

"Don't forget that Fairy Tail is your family as well." Lucy and Luna looked up to see Natsu and Happy crouched down next to them.

The boys gave them a content smile. "Arigatou Natsu and Happy!" Luna said happily.

'That's right. Fairy Tail is my family too, and I wouldn't replace it for the world.'


After their little break, the team gathered their things and started to walk toward the narrow path once again. Before they got there, the ground started shaking. Looking underneath their feet, they noticed the cracks and holes.

"The ground is starting falling apart! We need to move, now!" Natsu alerted the others. He bent down and told Happy to get on his head. The exceed agreed and held on to the dragon slayer's head tightly. Lucy grabbed Luna and wrapped her arms around the star. Everyone ran toward the pathway and jumped to safety.

The rock bridge was still intact. There were just a few places that were chipped away by the earthquake.

Natsu looked around to see if everyone was alright. No one seemed to be injured, which made him relax a little bit. 'That wasn't a normal earthquake though. It's almost as if--'

"Natsu watch out!" Natsu snapped out of his thoughts, only to notice a bunch of ice shards hurdling towards him. Luna suddenly appeared in front of the dragon slayer and held out her hands.

"Sun Barrier!" A yellow wall appeared in front of him. When the ice shards made contact with the barrier, it punctured the wall. The ice shards slowly melted; the water that was created hit the barrier as well, producing steam.

"Thanks Luna," said Natsu. The star just nodded and put down her arms once she was sure that there were no more projectiles. The barrier disappeared, and all of the steam produced started to come toward the group.

"So this is the reason why you survived Frost's attack? Interesting..."

Everyone directed their attention to the voice that they just heard. They barely managed to make a figure out of the steam that was in front of them. A gust of cold wind suddenly soared from the left, clearing the covered bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, there was a girl with white hair that was tied into a high ponytail and blue eyes. She also wore brown combat boots, black leggings, and a blue coat. The girl suddenly disappeared, making everyone more alert to their surroundings.

"Hello Fairy Tail. I see that you're alive and well." Team Natsu turned around to see the white-haired girl right there, greeting them in a polite manner. Then she gave them a smile.

"Sorry to be cutting this introduction short, but I'll be killing you now."

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