Chapter 25: Why Are You Here?

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Merry Christmas!

"Get over it Ed, it's July."

And where did I get that line from?

One of my favorite childhood shows: Ed, Edd n Eddy

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One of my favorite childhood shows: Ed, Edd n Eddy.

And look at these lovable dorks...

(Photos from Ed, Edd n Eddy Season 2 Episode 13)

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(Photos from Ed, Edd n Eddy Season 2 Episode 13)

Hi everyone! It's been a long time now...since the last update of this fanfic. Everyone has been waiting for a million years now. Yeah...I really am the worse. That's all...I just hate to keep apologizing to everyone because it won't matter. Sorry is not enough. However, as I always tell you guys, I will try my best. And if you don't like the way I'm doing things, please tell me. Leave a comment or message me. I'm open to all types of criticism.

What a great time to kick start this fanfic once again. It's all about Christmas in July!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! And thanks again for dealing with my late updates.



As soon as Natsu and Lucy got back from their little...field trip, both of them were immediately bombarded with the playful comments of Happy.

Luckily, Luna reminded everyone that they still have a mission and that there wasn't much time until the aurora Happy apologized for getting sidetracked and decided to save the questions for later. His friends on the other hand were relieved that someone didn't tease them.

"Blue Cat and Love Birds, let's go!" ordered Star as she pressed onward to their destination.

"Aye!" said Blue Cat with a chuckle on the side.

'Spoke too soon.' The Love Birds just sighed and followed right behind Star.


Ayame stared at the gate at the far end of the hall where her parents were currently resided in. There was also the little sunlight that this cave has shining the gate up like gold.

That afternoon sunlight creeping through the opening in the ceiling of the cave will soon be the aurora that will set her parents free.

Ayame grabbed the chain of her necklace and pulled it up to get her pendant. She gently clutched the pendant in her hand. Then, she looked at the gate once again.

'I promise that we will see each other again real soon. Mom...Dad...'

From a distance, the white haired boy leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes on his sister. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his own pendant. Then, he opened it up, revealing the family picture. He looked at it for a few seconds, thinking about all of the memories that they had together. The white haired boy directed his attention to his sister, and then the picture once again. He gently clenched his hand, closing the pendant in the process.

Frost loosened his fist and placed the pendant back into his pocket. He pushed himself off of the wall and walked towards Ayame's direction.


"I thought you said that their hideout wasn't that far from where we left off," Happy told Luna.

"It is not that far," retorted Luna. "We're almost there."

"Didn't you say that hours ago?" asked the tired dragon slayer.

"Well, I promise that we're almost there."

"But it's already pitch black out here," the exceed pointed out, but not without a sigh. He looked at the sky and assumed that the time was around a quarter to 11:00.

"Okay, we're here," Luna quietly said. She turned around to remind everyone of the plan, but before anything was said, a quick breeze flew past them. Luna turned around and called out to the cause of the breeze. It was useless to say anything.

Luna looked at Natsu and Happy, who were confused as ever at what just went down right now, and told them to follow her. Into the cave they went.

As they ran, Happy asked Luna what was going on, but she was too busy to answer. He did notice the panicked, but worried expression on her face. Happy started to have the same expression on his face. He looked ahead, hoping that nothing bad has happened to Lucy.

Natsu looked at Happy and Luna. Their expressions, along with Lucy's sudden actions could not sit well with him. Whatever is about to go down now cannot be good.

They saw Lucy's shadow coming up dead ahead. It remained still, which meant that she stopped.

"Lucy!" everyone called out, but she didn't even bat an eyelash.

Everyone quickly ran up to her. Natsu placed his hand on here shoulder as soon as he got there, but there was no reaction. Happy and Luna flew right in front of her. Both of them flinched.

Lucy was silent, but her face said everything. The tears was endless. Her lips were slightly apart, looking like she was going to say something, but nothing came out. Her puffy eyes spelled out a lot of words. Fear with a slight hint of happiness, but the one word that stood out the most was devastation. That was an understatement though.

"Why are you here?"

Everyone flinched again at the sound of her voice. Broken. It's like you can actually hear a heart shattering into a million tiny pieces that can never be put back together.

"Answer me...Mama..."

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