Chapter 19: Dates

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Hi guys! So my spring break is over. Six more weeks until school is over. I have also mentioned how I would finish this fanfic by the end of my school year. That's my goal. So many things going on at school these next six weeks. But I will finish.

Anyways, on with the chapter. It's shorter than usually and I'm sorry. I'll probably add something else to it later on. Still, hope you enjoy!


I dedicate this chapter to ssachoir.


"Juvia, did you find more clues?" Erza asked the water mage as she continuously skims through one book after the other.

"No, but Juvia will keep on looking," replied the girl.

Erza, Gray, and Juvia were currently in the guild's library searching for clues that would be useful. So far, they have read books about ice demons, sealing rituals, the history of Mt. Aurora, etc. But the most important one was about the celestial spirit mage that sealed the ice demons 14 years ago. Unfortunately, no one was able to find anything else that would be of use, but that didn't stop the three mages from continuing their search.

As time passes by, the group was starting to get impatient. Gray was constantly flipping through each page, hoping to find something useful, but to no avail. The ice mage heavily sighed as he threw his arms up in frustration, hitting the book he was reading as he did that. "This is taking forever!"

"I know it's taking a long time, but we have to keep on looking," Erza told the ice mage.

"I know that..." Gray murmured as he let out another sigh.

Then he walked toward the book that he accidentally hit and picked it up. After that, Gray walked back to his work area and tried to pick up where he left off in the book. The text suddenly caught Gray's attention. He leaned his head toward the book and carefully read every single word. Juvia noticed Gray's actions and walked up to the boy.

"Did you find something Gray-sama?" The ice mage only nodded and continued to read the text.

Erza put down the book she was reading and walked up to Gray and Juvia. By the time she got there, Gray pulled his head back and sighed once again.

"So what did you find?" asked Erza.

"This book states the history of Mt. Aurora, which is famous for its various auroras that shine upon the mountains." Gray told the girls as he pointed to this book. "It also approximates the dates to when each aurora occurs, the meaning behind it, and how frequently each one comes."

"So how does this apply to our situation?" Erza questioned the ice mage.

"Another aurora is coming up soon. This aurora not only strengthens sealing rituals, but it can also weaken a seal," Gray said in a serious tone.

"No way..." Juvia whispered.

"That's not all," Gray cut in. Erza and Juvia paid close attention to what he had to say.

"According to this book, this aurora only happens every other seven years on a particular day."

Juvia gasped and Erza's eyes widened.

"But that means that the last time it occurred--"

"Was when those ice demons were sealed by that celestial spirit mage," Erza finished Juvia's sentence.

"Wait a minute. That letter that came with Luna. And it mentioned ice demons. Weakening seals..."

"Erza, what are you trying to say?" Gray questioned the requip mage.

"What I'm trying to say is that someone is going to use the power of the aurora that you mentioned earlier and try to break the seal on those two ice demons. And I bet it's the people who kidnapped the person responsible for sending Luna to us."

"But Juvia said that only the caster hisself/herself can break that seal," Gray argued.

"What Juvia said is true, but the aurora would weaken the seal enough for almost anyone other than the caster to break it," Erza pointed out.

"But they would still need the caster in order to completely break that seal." Erza and Gray looked at the water mage after she said that. "And considering the fact that Lucy's mom is already dead..."

"It would still be impossible even with the aurora's powers..." Gray finished the statement.

Everyone sighed. This situation was getting more complicated than they originally though. They still needed to research more about Makarov's theory and this just added more onto their workload.

A thought suddenly occurred to Juvia. She looked directly into Gray's eyes and called out his name. "Gray-sama."

Gray looked back into her eyes. "What is it Juvia?"

"When does this aurora exactly happen?"

Gray slowly directed his attention to the ground and sighed. "Two days from now...Christmas Eve..."

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