What Am I?

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Harry was irritated as he waited for it to be time. He was in the same itchy jeans and shirt he always wore. Ron and Hermione learned a while ago that they were betas and immediately chose to be mates. Since then they haven't talked to anyone but Molly. Ginny had been trying to talk to him desperately and sending him ten letters a day. She didn't stop until Harry moved into Grimmauld Place and set the wards to allow in no letters.

Today was his turn to find out his role. He's had multiple journalists harass him already before the workers kicked them out. He was the only one in the lobby as Neville had already entered his room several minutes earlier. They had a nice conversation and Harry realized Neville was one of his only true friends. The door opening caught his attention.

"Mr. Potter, the room is ready for you." The soon-to-be eighteen-year-old stood from the stiff chair and followed the beta healer assistant to a back room. The room was small and had four doors attached. "Alright, the two doors on the left are the bathroom and the Alpha room. If you become an alpha, you will be drawn to enter that room. It has a larger set of clothes, as most alphas grow, and a more masculine theme. The two on the left are the Beta and Omega room. The beta room is neutral and you will stay the same. The omega room is more feminine and has smaller clothes as omegas tend to shrink. Breakfast will be served in your room before you leave. Good night."

She didn't let him speak before leaving. Depression overcame him as he was left in the plain room with nothing but a simple chair and table with a clock. Everyone expected him to be an alpha, even he did. He wanted to be an omega. He wanted to be taken care of for once in his life instead of having to take care of yet another person. At the least, he wanted to be a beta so he could live his life in hiding.

Exhausted, he took off his shoes and fell onto the chair. Staring at the clock, he watched as the time ticked slowly to midnight. Finally, the two hands hit the top and a warmth spread over the teenager. He couldn't feel it as his body changed and his brain was rewired. The room felt scary and lifeless all of a sudden. Harry shivered as the warmth left and his body seemed to freeze over. His clothes seemed to fall from his body.

Standing, he had to grab his pants as they were pretty loose, he made his way to the pretty blue door. Walking in, it was a small room filled with colors. In a corner was a cushy round mattress with a short frame and soft sheets. It was covered in pillows and blankets. Laid on the bed was a cotton pajama dress with briefs. Next to it was a pair of soft shorts, a shirt, socks, and shoes.

Throwing on the fairly well-fitted pajamas, he set the other clothes aside and curled up into the comfy bed. Sleep seemed to come easily.


The light showed nicely through the curtains, lighting up the room just enough to cast a dim glow across everything. It was small with sky-blue walls, oak floors, and a bed. A calming song played in the room that coaxed the small male awake.

Harry felt odd as he stirred. He felt tiny, weak, and scared, but the music was helping. His eyes peeled open to reveal the pretty room, just for him to freeze. He was an omega. Joy filtered through his body, but an emptiness overcame it. He read about that. It's what an omega feels before they meet their alpha.

Rising from the comfortable bed, Harry moved to get dressed. The shorts and shirt fit reasonably well and the shoes were nearly perfect. They were all plain and the black-haired man wasn't a huge fan. Looking at his clothes, some hair fell into his face. Slightly longer black, soft waves had replaced the mess his hair had once been.

From what he could see he was much shorter and had a much more feminine body. He felt light when he walked, but that didn't stop his clumsiness. As he walked to the door he stumbled but luckily didn't fall. Back in the central room, he grabbed his wand and went to the plain restroom.

Just as he came out a knock sounded. A beta walked in with a smile and set a tray of food down. "Go ahead and eat little one. You will be able to leave after but do be careful. A nurse let your transformation get into the press's hands and they put it into the papers this morning."

Harry simply nodded, knowing it would happen eventually. The kind lady left him alone to eat. They made a simple toast, eggs, and sausage breakfast. He ate the toast and a little egg and sausage, but he didn't like them much. It was confusing since he used to love them, but he would have to get used to his new body and feelings.

After he was done, he gathered his clothes and left the room. Just outside Aurors were guarding the door while the few members of the press left were taken to the Ministry with the rest. A noise from the left startled him and made him jump. That in turn made the other jump. Neville stood just beside him and at the same height. "Omega?"


No other words were needed. The friends knew they were omegas even though no one else did. Harry examined the other male. His hair was a little longer, but not by much, his body was more feminine but still chubby and curvy, and his shy nature seemed to return from when they were kids. Together they walked out but separated almost immediately.

Neville moved to a floo that connected to Gringotts so he could get his life figured out. Harry instead moved to the apparition point to go home. Since the final battle, he changed the wards and spells on Grimmauld Place to only let him in. Inside, the painting of Sirius's mother had been destroyed and removed a while ago. Harry had replaced it with Sirius.

He also fixed some broken parts, but it needed to be redone. Everything looked wrong. Initially, Harry liked everything to be plain since he was tired of the bold colors, designs, and decorations around the Gryffindor common room, but now it felt cold and empty. He still didn't want anything like the dorm, instead, he wanted lots of pillows and blankets and nicer colors.

Trodding up the creaky stairs that now scared him, he made his way to the master bedroom. It felt like home, but still odd. Pushing that aside, he threw more blankets and pillows on the bed and fell asleep.

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