Alpha? How Could That Be?

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Harry noticed that it was about five, so he found a book about potions and read while sitting next to Draco who was reading an ancient runes book. Once it was about seven, Harry stood and walked to the kitchen. He looked in the frozen box to see all kinds of meats. There were twenty-nine of them including Harry. He grabbed two chickens and two hams for meat, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries for fruit, corn, broccoli, and cucumbers for vegetables, and the ingredients to make miniature pies and treacle tarts for dessert.

He started with the meats and was happy to see a nice magically enhanced oven and stove, a microwave, and all different kinds of magic-enhanced muggle cooking items. He grabbed some seasoning out of the pantry and pineapple Fanta soda to pore over the ham. He grabbed all the other items he'd need and started cooking for the others.

He had caught the attention of others and some came over to watch while Neville and Draco, the only other omegas, came to help. Neville having experience took to creating the desserts. Draco had no experience and was put to the task of cutting the fruits and veggies and placing them on their trays with various dippings. They worked quickly, Neville being distracted by Blaise every once in a while until Harry snapped at the alpha to leave his helper alone. Even as an omega he still held so much sass.

It took about two hours for everything to cook and the three men laid the food out buffet style with a plate and silverware for everyone. Everyone lined up politely, thanking the omegas for their work, as they helped themselves to their share. A few had to yell at Ronald as he tried to take a whole chicken for himself. The cooks went last and sat by the fire in the pit.

Neville happily ate and conversed from Blaise's lap while the former enemies sat on the floor next to each other. The night was terrific as those from separate houses finally conversed and made friends between themselves. Harry was delighted to see former Ravenclaws and former Hufflepuffs together and even more so when he saw former Gryffindors and former Slytherins getting along and even playing games in a game corner Harry didn't see when he came in.


The night was over too quickly for Harry's liking. Everyone had gone to bed, but he was wide awake. He finished the book from earlier and set it down with a sigh. "Well, I might as well take a walk around the castle. Maybe that will wear me out."

He went to his room to change into a soft nightgown and a thin black robe to cover it. He wore simple black flats as he would probably walk in the outdoor corridor. He left through the portrait and began a steady pace toward the corridor.

Harry loved the outdoors. One of his favorite things to do was garden, but he hasn't been able to start one of his own. He'd have to add a greenhouse to Grimmauld Place or move into one of his parent's smaller properties. The moon showed brightly through the halls as the young male walked into the outdoor halls. It was almost a full moon so it showed the area full of benches and the one tree perfectly.

He stood at a pillar and sighed as he let the aura calm him. Hogwarts surrounded the omega with warmth and protection. Then it changed. Something new was in the air. It was tense but calming and protective. The smell of potion ingredients and old books grew thicker as light footsteps made their way to his location. Harry dropped to his knees and leaned on the short barrier attached to the posts as he waited for the person to round the corner.


Professor Severus Tobias Snape was doing his nightly check of the school grounds and was on his way to the outside corridor next. He had to keep his mind from wandering to the nightmares he had been having lately that had stopped him from sleeping. Images from his childhood were reappearing and the recent ones of the snake attack. He was grateful Harry had gotten him to Pomfrey on time, but it was unlikely the boy would let him get close enough to thank him and apologize for what he had done.

Severus was the first to admit that being a spy had destroyed his mind. He was always cold-hearted and took out his stress by targeting an innocent person. He was snapped out of his thoughts by an interesting smell. It was of plants, broom polish, and treacle tarts. He was rather confused at the mix as those weren't items you'd see in the same place.

The potion's master picked up his pace and turned into the outdoor corridor. It seemed empty but one look to the left where the intriguing scent wafted from showed a young man sitting on the ground in a calm and somewhat sleepy manner. Taking in a deeper breath, Severus felt something in his mind shatter and rush over him. He was an alpha. For the longest time, he thought he was a beta. Why was that locked away?

He would have to deal with that later though as he sniffed the air once more and he spoke. "Mate."


Harry looked up from his position at the word. Could it be? Did his alpha find him? He looked to his right and froze in shock as he saw a handsome-looking Severus Snape. His nose had been fixed and it was clear he was taking better care of himself and his hair. But what was going on? He sniffed the air and the scent was stronger. "Mate."

The words put Harry in shock. Severus Snape was his alpha? How could that be? Harry whimpered in sadness and fear as he realized something. He would probably reject him. Snape hated him.

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