Voldemort or Dumbledore

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Severus was the first to wake up that morning. He slid his limp cock out of Harry and grimaced at the dried cum and slick combo. The man got up and made his way to the bathroom to shower and walked out with a towel around his waist and a bucket of warm water with a rag. His mate had woken up and took to cuddling the dominant male's pillow.

The potion master growled in approval and got the attention of Harry. The omega purred and tried to sit up but was brought back down as pain hit his hips and ass. Severus rushed to the smaller man, putting the bucket and rag on the nightstand, and rubbed his lower back. "It's alright, Darling, lay back and I'll clean you."

The omega obeyed as his alpha took off the soiled or strongly scented items before slowly dragging the wet rag over his entire body. That's when Harry noticed something off. "Shouldn't my next round of heat have started already?"

They both froze. If he wasn't in heat right now, that only meant. "Alpha, am I pregnant?" Harry had happy tears in his eyes as the other finished cleaning him up.

"I figured you would be. The rest of the students will be here tonight and classes will be in two days. Today we shall go to Poppy to check if you are pregnant, if so, I'll call us both out for about a week so we don't lash out at anyone who comes near the baby. We will also have to make up a plan for your schooling. I don't want you to miss out because I messed up."

"What do you mean messed up?" The alpha looked his omega in the eyes and saw tears in his eyes.

"It's okay, Darling. I just mean I wanted to put a condom charm or temporary infertility charm on one of us so you could finish school. Don't worry, I want as many children as you wish to carry."

That seemed to calm the other down. Severus sent out a patronus to Dumbledore and the other professors to tell them about the possible pregnancy. He got himself and his mate ready and carried the smaller down to the infirmary where Poppy had already gotten things ready.

"Oh, Severus. Harry, darling. Please, come here and I'll confirm if you're pregnant. It would also be good to check you for any abnormalities, Severus. It isn't normal for alpha sides to hide or disappear."

The dark man nodded as he laid his mate on the bed. He growled a bit when the mediwitch came close but let her wave her wand around and watched as pieces of parchment filled out with information. "Well, it seems he's malnourished, has multiple unhealed injuries, and...congratulations. You and Harry are going to be parents."

The omega cheered as his alpha hugged him tight. "Now, I have some pregnancy-safe potions he'll need to take to help him heal. They will need to be taken every day for the next month. Now, Severus onto you."

She quickly scanned him and was upset to see the results. "It seems you have some unhealed injuries as well and a trace of a blocking potion and beta scent potion. It seems someone was forcing you to hide as a beta."

Confusion and anger met those words, but Poppy knew better than to try to ease it over. She simply gave the couple their potions and they left. The walk to their room was silent and even when they entered neither said a word. It wasn't until they were cuddled on the hanging swing while staring at the fire that Harry couldn't stand it anymore.

"Do you have any idea who could have done that?"

"A couple, but some of them aren't plausible."


"The only people who could get that close by the time I was eighteen would have been Voldemort, Lucius, Narcissa, Dumbledore, and Minerva. Lucius, Narcissa, and Minerva would never have done something like that to me. I want it to be Voldemort, but those potions only last a few months and it's been about a year. So, either he created a modified version or Dumbledore has been hiding it from me."

"But why?"

"To keep me under control. Both wanted me to hate you and to keep loyal to them. Even though you hadn't gotten your role yet my instincts would have wanted to protect you."

"What will we do?"

Severus pulled the scared omega closer and kissed his head. "I'll contact Lucius. He should be able to pull a few strings and possibly trace the potions back to their source. Forcibly hiding someone's role is illegal."

They relaxed back once more but the alpha couldn't stand the tense and somber mood. "What gender do you think they'll be?"

Harry looked at him confused. "What?"

"The baby."

"Oh, I don't know. I honestly want both eventually so it doesn't matter. I'm just hoping it isn't twins. I want one first then maybe twins or triplets later."

"That sounds wonderful. I mostly want a girl. A daughter to call my own but a good mix is always welcome in my mind."

They spent the night talking about nursery colors and items before falling asleep where they were. The fire faded slowly but Hogwarts made sure to keep her children warm as they slept. Harry's dreams for a second time were nice and filled with his alpha and their children in a beautiful home. Severus's dreams were a bit more on the naughty side. His mind filled with his darling naked and heavy with child. He would most definitely have to keep his love pregnant for as long as he could.

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