Flowers and School

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Severus couldn't believe it. In his arms was a beautiful little girl. He held her up to his heart and kissed her raven hair. The alpha looked at his sleeping mate with a smile. He brought this miracle into his world.

Severus kissed his omega's temple with a smile. The doctor and nurses cleaned up and left the family alone until they had to collect the baby for a short while to put her in the system. Until then, Severus kept a firm yet gentle grip on his baby while kissing and whispering praise into his sleeping omega's ear. This was the greatest day of his life.

Harry woke up after a solid five hours and the hospital had their baby for two at the time. They would be giving her back to them soon. The first thing the new mother did was look for his child but only saw his alpha.

"Where's our baby?"

"The hospital is registering her. She should be back soon."

"She? We had a girl?"

"Yes, my omega. We had a perfect little girl. She has raven black hair. She hasn't opened her eyes yet so I don't know her eye color. She's so beautiful. Everything we imagined and more."

"Really? My baby. I want my baby. I want to hold her."

"She should be back soon." Just as Severus said that the door opened. In came a nurse holding their darling. Harry growled as well as he could. Not liking the fact another had his baby.

"It's alright, she's okay. I'm just here to give her to her mother. She wouldn't stop crying after we took her." She said, giving Harry his newborn.

His alpha was right, she was perfect. The second the baby felt she was in her mother's arms she stopped crying. She could sense her carrier and sire.

"All that's left is for you two to name her. Then, after we make sure you're fully healed, you can go home." The nurse left them to think.

"I want to continue my mother's family's tradition. She should be named after a flower."

Severus smiled at his darling. "Perfect. Let's see, there's Peony, Daffodil, Lilac, Primrose, Lotus, Magnolia, Zinnia..."

"Wait, that one. Zinnia." Something about it just seemed to click. "My little Zinnia." As if she knew the baby peeled her eyes open to see her parents for the first time.

Harry and Severus fell into a trance from her eyes. One was black like Severus's, but the other was a brilliant emerald, like Harry's. "Darling."

Severus broke his gaze to look at his mate. "What?"

"Her middle name. Zinnia Darling Snape."

"It's beautiful, but why darling?"

Harry couldn't help but blush. "Because that's what you always call me. You always call me darling."

Severus smiled wide and kissed both of his little one's heads. He kept saying her name in his head. He couldn't get enough of it.

The nurse came back and recorded her name on the birth certificate. They then check on Harry while Severus holds her, which Harry was still reluctant to do. They said he was in perfect health and was already, naturally destroying the extra fat.

They left to check the family out while the alpha helped the omega get ready. He was dressed in a loose, floral dress and pink flats. He put a black sling over one shoulder and placed his baby girl inside. She was sleeping peacefully against her mother in her sky-blue onesie. Severus helped Harry out of the building into the night. It was already one o'clock in the morning.

They entered their carriage and began the hour-long trip to their home. Walking slower to not hit a bump and jolt Zinnia. Once home, they had the elves rush around to ready everything. A portable crib was placed next to their bed and pajamas were placed out for them. Harry dressed while Severus got their newborn ready for bed. She was placed in the purple crib and the alpha changed himself.

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