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It was the day of the trial. All evidence of Dumbledore's crimes has been collected, sent in, and reviewed. The trial hit the papers immediately after it was declared the evidence was solid. It blew up as people read that the great Albus Dumbledore was not only spying on a young mated couple but on their now eight-month-old child as well.

Now, Harry and Severus walked into the Ministry building leaving Ray with his trainer. Harry was in a nice black dress, Zinnia in a matching one, and Severus was in formal robes. They looked like a formal pureblood couple, although, even though all were half-bloods. Even Zinnia since Severus's father was a muggle.

But they were quickly found by a guard and brought to the courtroom. They sat on the right of the court as the room filled. The wizards and witches of the wizengamot sat in their respective seats showing their families and seats.

Draco and Narcissa smiled at the couple and took their seats right above them with the twins. Lucius was nowhere to be seen. Harry frowned a bit as Molly and Arthur ignored him and took their seats above where Dumbledore would be. Everyone was in their respective plum robes.

The room fell silent as Dumbledore was brought in. They didn't have him chained up yet since he was cooperative and didn't seem a threat. The old man thought he could easily charm his way out of this and manage to get the court to hand Harry to him at the same time. Win-win.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, the new minister of magic, took the stand. Lucius Malfoy stood behind him as temporary Chief Warlock since Dumbledore couldn't do the job. Once everyone was settled, Shacklebolt started.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are here under evidence and accusation of invading the privacy of, and disturbing the family of Severus Tobias Snape, Harry James Snape, and their daughter Zinnia Darling Snape. Do you deny such accusations?"

"But of course, Minister." The twinkle in his eye fooled no one but the Weasleys and anyone who still believed Dumbledore could do no wrong.

"Let's bring in the evidence."

Guards came in with hundreds of mirrors that had been scattered throughout every property the family owned. All of them still showed their surroundings and in a special glass box held the mirror Dumbledore used that switched through all of the mirrors.

"All of these mirrors have been taken from the properties of Severus and Harry Snape. The mirror in the box has been taken from Albus Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts..."

Before he could continue there was yelling from above Dumbledore. "That's no proof that he was watching them! They could have planted them all themselves!"

"Enough, Mr. Weasley! Let me finish. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, he decided to set a recording charm on each mirror, including his own, so all activity has been saved from the time Harry became an omega till now. The mirrors have been separated so any mirror with no activity or private activity will be shown."

They selected the time and projected the image for everyone to see. Harry was in the frozen pregnancy with Zinnia. He was laying with his slightly round belly on the couch when Severus walked in and gave him some tea, moving his omega so the smaller being would lay on him.

They went through multiple mirrors, all showing times when the family was relaxing or when one of them was putting Zinnia to bed. Many were disgusted he had a mirror in their baby's room, but at the end, the voice rang out.

"This still doesn't prove it was Dumbledore watching them! Anyone could have planted the mirrors and decided to blame Dumbledore!"

"Mr. Weasley, one more time and you'll be out! However, I do agree that we can't tell Dumbledore truly was the one watching the mirrors. Unless...Hakle bring in veritaserum. Lukas and Calloway bring the headmaster to the center of the room."

He conjured a chair and the guards set the man down. For the first time that day, Albus looked a little worried. "Now, Shacklebolt, is this really necessary?"

"That is minister to you, and yes. I would figure since you plead innocent you would be more than happy to prove it."

The wizard shut his mouth at once and let them insert the potion. Once his eyes dimmed they began, Lucius asking the questions. "What is your full name?"

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Were you the one who put these mirrors in the homes and properties of Severus and Harry Snape?"



"Harry was supposed to be an alpha mated to Ginny. When he turned out to be an omega, I decided that he would be my mate. I did everything I could to make sure he didn't have a mate, but I wasn't expecting it to be Severus. Nor did I think Severus would actually be a good mate. I had to watch them so I could get Harry back."

"What did you want Harry for? What would you have done to him, Severus, and Zinnia?"

"I wanted Harry to carry my child and to do everything I told him to. The child and Severus would have to die. Harry would follow my every command, if not, he'd get more scars than he had before he changed."

Even Arthur knew there was no getting out of this. Everyone looked sick and Harry was curled around Zinnia and his stomach in Snape's lap. Said alpha's eyes were pure black in anger and he was trying his best not to kill him.

The old man was given the antidote and smiled around, dropping it as the Weasleys gave him a pitiful look and everyone else glaring at him. Looking back at Shacklebolt, he saw him equally as disturbed.

"Everyone vote for Dumbledore's innocence or guilt."

Every booth gained two buttons. A green one for innocent and a red for guilty. Fifty-four votes in total. Fifty-three to one. Guilty to innocent. Only the Weasleys tried to help him.

"The Wizengamot has voted. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you have been voted guilty for your crimes against the Snape family and I shall sentence you to Azkaban in high dementor patrol for the rest of your life."

He screamed as he was dragged away. Saying it was for the "greater good". "Now, as tradition calls, Lucius Malfoy is the new Chief Warlock and Minerva McGonagall, if she takes it, shall be the new Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Court dismissed!"

With that, Severus picked up his pregnant mate and child and left for their home. The large male couldn't help but feel free.

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