A Day in the Forest

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Saturday morning was tense for Harry even with Severus reassuring him at every step. They showered and dressed in fall clothes, Severus adding a cloak above his clothes while Harry wore leggings, a long-sleeved shirt, fluffy socks, normal tennis shoes, and a cloak. "Alpha, why are we dressing in outdoor clothes?"

"I need some potion ingredients in the Forest so that's what they'll be doing for detention today. We'll eat breakfast before heading over to Hagrid's hut. We'll meet them there, but I have a surprise for you first."

"A surprise? What is it?"

The alpha chuckled at his mate. "Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?"

"I guess not." Harry sighed dramatically. The omega allowed his mate to take his hand and lead him to the Great Hall. They sat in Severus's chair, Harry on his lap, before noticing the points hadn't changed much. Gryffindors were fighting between gaining and losing, the elder years gaining and the younger losing, so they stayed in place.

The younger years didn't even seem to notice as they were rebelling due to the incident. They didn't understand the second gender system yet and thought they only lost points because Harry was the teacher's mate. Luckily none of them took it too far as of yet so the worst punishment outside of the kids who started it was a month-long detention with Filch.

As of now, Severus was happily chatting to Minerva who was on their left while Harry ate three blueberry pancakes with pure maple syrup and a butter croissant. The older of the two slowed down the smaller one as he seemed to shovel the food down and nearly choked much like Ronald Weasley.

Harry took the hint and began to slow down. He was just so hungry. The teen ended up eating two more pancakes, another croissant, and a large bowl of strawberries. Severus just ate two plain pancakes with butter and syrup with a smaller bowl of peaches and whipped topping. By the time they finished, it was 8 o'clock and they just realized Dumbledore wasn't there. He was staying in his office more than usual, only coming out for emergencies or speeches.

Shaking it out of their heads, they continued their slow walk to the stables near Hagrid's hut. "What are we doing here, Alpha?"

"I'm picking up my Hippogriff so we don't have to trudge through the forest with the supplies." As he said this he grabbed a thick cloth with saddlebags and a buckle.

"You have a Hippogriff?"

"Yes, I bought him off Hagrid. The man is getting bored so he decided to start breeding them after joining a program created to help the numbers go up as many were killed off during the war. He lets most go back into the wild, but those too trusting and trainable get sold to those he believes will care for them properly. He was more than happy to sell one to me."

The alpha during this time grabbed a halter and lead before entering one of the large stalls. Moments later, he exited with a large black hippogriff following. "Meet Beelzebub. He's five now and has made gathering much easier." Severus was quick to place the cloth saddle on the creature after tying the lead loosely around a bar. "Now, close your eyes so I can get your surprise."

Harry excitedly did so with a giant grin on his face. The dark man quickly snuck to the back of the stable with a slightly smaller halter to grab the, not so small, surprise. The omega could hear rustling and hooves as he kept his hands over his eyes. His smile didn't waver as a large body moved behind him before gently moving his hands. Harry opened his eyes and gasped before letting out a quiet squeal, aware of the animals around him.

"Alpha! Is he really for me?"

"Yes, meet Asmodeus. He's only three but he's well-trained and very gentle."

In front of the two is a slightly smaller hippogriff than Beelzebub who was pure white except for black flecks. He looked like a giant snowy owl. "I love him. Thank you, alpha."

"Of, course, baby. Now, let's get him saddled so we can be on our way." The two saddled the creature and got Harry on him comfortably before grabbing the other and leaving to where they could see Hagrid with the group of five first-years. The half-giant smiled at them before returning to his hut probably to grade papers.

"Alright, Gryffindors. Today I'll be needing unicorn hair, water from Unicorn Creek, phoenix feathers, and angel's trumpet. Cynthia (the leader), Ruby, and Max, you three shall go to Unicorn Pasture to collect the hair and water. The other two shall come with us."

"Wait! Why do we have to be alone?!"

Severus rolled his eyes at the girl. "Because we need more unicorn hair and enchanted water than the others."

"Well, I get that. I mean why can't you or your mate come with us?"

"If you had done any research over need-to-know creatures, you would know that only virgins can get near unicorns."

"Ewww, I don't need to know that you've done that!"

Severus scoffed. "How else would my mate be pregnant?"

"Uhh, he could have done that with someone else."

Harry gasped and Severus's eyes were like fire. The omega was so offended she thought he would present himself like that in front of anyone but his mate. Severus just tried to keep a level head so he didn't go off on them. He instead angrily pointed in the direction of the field and they ran to avoid his wrath. The rest went even farther into the forest where the forest phoenixes nested. Severus went with the children to collect the feathers and left Harry with the Hippogriffs just off to the side. Now, most would assume that phoenixes were gentle, loving creatures; which they are, but what they don't know is that they're very territorial against those they don't know.

They knew Severus from his many trips there for their feathers, but they didn't know the children. One swooped down and grabbed at their hair causing them to scream. Severus chuckled before standing by the kids to calm the creatures. They soon got all of the feathers and flowers that Severus needed and went back out of the forest. That's where they met the other three. They had their satchel filled with unicorn hair and vials of monochrome water. Severus nodded in approval and took it from them.

"Detention is over for the day. You may go."

They ran towards the castle to get ready. Tonight was Gryffindor versus Slytherin for quidditch and everyone was going to be there. Even Severus and Harry would be there cheering on the Slytherins.

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