Prince Manor

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The end of the year came quickly for the happy couple. Harry was four months along with one to go and his stomach was bulging and ready for relief. Severus had been walking around with a sense of pride, rubbing Harry's pregnancy scent in the faces of unmated alphas who glared at the older man but didn't say anything. The omega was getting showered on by his fellow omegas and quite a few betas.

Neville himself was currently three months pregnant as well with a confirmed baby boy they were thinking of naming Drake Orix. Harry had insisted he didn't want to know the gender of their baby as he wanted a happy surprise at the birth. As of now, Severus, Harry, Blaise, Draco, Neville, and Pansy were all sitting in the teacher's section of the train since Harry couldn't apparate for safety and his alpha wanted the omega to spend time with his friends.

The train ride was filled with laughter and stories of their time in school. All of them were disappointed when the train rolled to a stop at King's Cross. Draco and Pansy ran ahead to reach their parents while the couples walked over to the floo. Blaise and Neville have been living at the Zabini family manor since the alpha's mother was arrested while Harry and Severus were going to live in Prince Manor. A place that had been abandoned for around two decades.

Severus had already called for his personal house-elves to clean the place and fix anything that needed it. Stepping out of the fireplace felt unreal as they entered the second den. It was bare of anything homey and only had an old couch to accompany it. "I've had the house-elves pick up a few store lists so we can pick out and order furniture for the place. It hasn't had a living being in it since my parents died."

"Well, at least we have a lot of space to work with. We should start with our room and the nursery first and then move to the main areas before finishing the rest."

"Of course, Darling, but first we should get a good night's sleep."

"That I will completely agree with, but first I desperately need to use the toilet. Our child has decided my bladder is a chair."

Deep, rich laughter fell from the man's mouth as he led his pregnant spouse to the nearest bathroom. The trip to the master bedroom was rough on Harry as it was up a large flight of stairs and toward the end of the hall. It was huge to Harry and the omega felt even more excited about decorating the bare room. The couple changed into their pajamas and slid into the sheets before drifting off.


The next day was filled with picking out furniture for the large manor and sending out orders. Harry was put in charge of the majority as Severus wasn't one for decorating. The master bedroom would be filled with light grey and emerald green items, the nursery was going to be forest-themed, and the main den was neutral blacks, whites, and greys.

The en suite bathrooms matched the rooms they were attached to while the rest were also neutral. The couple was happy when the final letter was sent out and they were able to relax. Their little family was well on its way to being complete.

Dumbledore, however, had different plans. The old man still wanted the omega beauty for his own use and was willing to do anything to get him back. That pathetic Gryffindor girl wasn't much use after she got herself expelled. She had almost started the process but Severus just had to be a good alpha and keep their relationship strong while they were dealing with the frozen pregnancy.

McGonagall was becoming more suspicious than normal so he had to back down for a while. Now that almost everyone had left the school though, Dumbledore could set up and plan more ways to destroy their relationship.

The students he had at his disposal were now graduated and began starting their lives. Ron and Hermione had a wedding and now lived in an apartment in Diagon Alley, Draco was coming back as a teaching assistant for potions and to hopefully find his mate, but he was now friends with the black-haired brat, and the blonde's friends had followed his lead.

Dumbledore growled as he looked through the mirror which let him look into the Snape household. Was it creepy? Yes. Especially the one that was pointed right at their bed. But Dumbledore couldn't care. In his eyes, he had been decent when he decided not to put one in the bathroom. Soon these mirrors would be in their Hogwarts rooms as well.

That omega would be his. One way or another.

He placed the mirror in his desk before looking at his angry-looking bird. "One day I will force him to be bonded to me just like I did with you. I just need to stage Severus a little accident is all. What do you think? New potion backfires? No, he's too good to fail."

Popping a lemon sherbet in his mouth, an idea suddenly struck. He rustled through some papers on his desk before he found the parchment he wanted. Names of Death Eaters that escaped. "Severus helped save Harry in the Shrieking Shack. If it wasn't for him the boy would be dead. I'm sure some of them would love to kill the traitor that cost them everything."

A croaking laugh filled the room as Fawkes's eyes narrowed on his horrible master. Just a little longer with him and then he can leave. He just had to make sure the man couldn't hurt anyone else.

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