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It had been two weeks and Harry was now a month along with four to go. Unfortunately, Severus had to go to a teacher meeting earlier than Harry was willing to wake up, so the omega decided to sleep in and meet the man in his classroom since he needed to make some potions for his private buyers. The omega dressed in a black and white dress, black flats, and one of his alpha's capes.

His hair was put into a white silk ribbon which he put in a perfect bow. He made a couple of touch-ups before leaving the room, waving to some of the Slytherins in the common room on his way out. Harry decided to take a roundabout way to enjoy the day a bit. Instead of going straight, he turned left and slowly passed the many portraits. He had no time to react as a shadow ran out and threw a potion bottle at his feet.

The omega saw the green liquid splash on his skin and the floor around him as the perpetrator's hood fell off showing the retreating figure of Cynthia. That was all he could remember before being on the ground and passing out.

Waking up was disorienting. Harry could see blurred figures and muffled voices he couldn't quite make out. His entire body felt bound as potions were forced down his throat that cleared up his mind. Soon he was fully awake and staring at his worried alpha. "Harry, Darling, are you alright?"

"Yes, but I can't feel them. Alpha, I can't feel the baby." The man seemed to avoid eye contact and overall became very distant.

"The potion that was splashed on you was stolen from the medical bay, but none of the portraits saw who did it."

"It was Cynthia, but what did the potion do?"

"Cynthia, the little brat. Madame Pomfrey inform the rest of the staff that Cynthia Nockrage has been identified as the attacker."

"What did the potion do?"

"Don't worry, we will make sure she gets expelled for this."

"What did the potion do?!" Sorrow washed over the potion master's face. The first thought that went through Harry's mind was, 'Did she kill them?'.

Severus was quiet as he seemed to push down his anger. "It...paused your pregnancy. They are still okay, but they are frozen in time. It'll be like you're not pregnant besides your belly. It lasts five months and the only way to reverse it is for emergencies only as it uses extremely rare ingredients. I'm sorry, love. I should have prevented this."

Harry relaxed, letting out a deep sigh. "Oh, Alpha. There is nothing we could have done, she would have found me eventually. I'm just happy they're alive."

"Yes, you are both alive. That is the best thing I can think of right now."

"When will I be discharged?"

"Poppy said tomorrow after she confirms nothing else was thrown at you. Luckily, you fell on your back and scans show minimal bruising so a couple potions took care of that."

"Are their any side effects that could be caused?"

"None that anyone knows of. It is not a well used potion as it's main use is for pregnant teens who wish to keep the baby but are either too young or in school. Most teens choose to get rid of it instead and it's not a potion many are willing to experiment with because it has to do with living beings and possible living beings."

"Makes sense. Once I'm allowed to leave, can we do something? Just the two of us?"

"Of course, darling. How about a nice dinner in our rooms after the meeting tomorrow?"


"Yes, we will have to be present when the teachers gather with Cynthia and her parents to inform them of her expulsion."

"That isn't going to go well."

"I can attest to that as Dumbledore has to be there. Thankfully, Minnie can oppose him as the Deputy Headmistress and the teachers are backing her up. We will make sure she won't harm anyone else. Now, sleep. You've been through a lot today."

"Please don't leave me."

"I'll be here the whole time."

Severus kept his promise and stayed by his mate's sleeping body for hours. He had even pulled up a chair at one point and used a bedside table to mark essays. Poppy returned not too much later and gave Harry a sleeping potion as well as some extra healing potions to be on the safe side. "Oh, Severus I'll need a restock of pregnancy safe potions since I used most on Harry. I'll get you a list of them tonight."

"Thank you, Poppy. For helping them."

"Always, Severus. Always."

That night the alpha took another bed and placed it right next to his omega's. The mediwitch found them curled up together as she placed the list on the bedside table before leaving them in peace.


The Headmaster's office was filled with shouting as Severus, Harry, and Poppy walked up to the door. It quieted down when they knocked and the door opened gently. Inside was every teacher, some still sending glares at the Headmaster who seemed pale, fragile, and powerless. "Ah, Severus, Harry, Poppy, welcome. Filch will be here soon with Ms. Nockrage and her parents soon. We saved a seat for you."

"Thank you, Minnie."

Severus sat on the chair, bringing Harry into his lap. Everyone but Dumbledore felt saddened when the Omega wrapped his arms around his slightly protruding belly. Severus wrapped his own arms above that in a protective manner as he glared at the old man. Only a few minutes passed before there was another knock and Filch entered with the brat and two plain looking adults.

Mr. and Mrs. Nockrage both had brown hair and eyes with skin that was not as pale as Severus's but not tan either. Mr. Nockrage had on a tan button-up, brown slacks, and a brown cardigan while his wife had on a brown plaid skirt, with a tan blouse. Both had brown shoes. Cynthia was shaking as she stared at the ground, seemingly terrified.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nockrage, it's good of you to join us."

"Yes, we are curious what this is about."

"Yes, well, do you remember the letter I sent you about two weeks ago?"

"Yes, but we were told that you figured out a proper punishment."

"We did, however, it seems your daughter has decided her punishment was unfair and chose to exact revenge."

Horror dawned on their faces as Cynthia tried to sink into herself. "What did you do?" Her mother whispered in a scarily calm tone.

"Ms. Nockrage stole a pregnancy freezing potion from Madame Pomphrey's stores and threw it on Professor Snape's mate. It has paused his pregnancy and caused severe emotional distress."

They seemed to be frozen in time. The beta couple stood still as they stared at the Deputy Headmistress like she just tried to kill them. "We have found it only fair that she be expelled."

"Now hold on Minnie, I'm sure we can..."

"No, Headmaster Dumbledore. There is no excuse for endangering an Omega's life, especially when they're pregnant. We will be taking her home immediately."

"The elves have already packed her items and placed them on the train. Thank you for taking this time to meet with us."

"Thank you for keeping this omega safe."

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