Potions Class

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Friday was quick to come as Harry spent his days on homework or with friends and Severus. His only class was Potions, which was Severus's only Friday class. However, the class was right before lunch, so Harry was just relaxing on his fluffy chair. He practiced keeping his patronus out longer while rubbing his two-week flat belly. The raven was flying around the room, taking care to stay out of Snape's way.

The dark man was focused on his potion, looking at his mate every once in a while. Harry let the mist fade as his mind drifted to Monday. "Alpha?"

"Yes, Darling?"

"Those kids. You haven't had them yet. Did Dumbledore get them out of it?"

"No, Darling. The teachers thought it only fair for them to have an entire day with me so we'll have them tomorrow."

"Good, I was scared he forced the teachers out of it."

"Never, Dumbledore doesn't hold as much power over them now that the war is over. They as well as myself stopped supporting him after the loyalty oath broke and none of us were willing to retake it."

"What if they try something again?"

"They'll be expelled. We, teachers, are starting to enforce every rule built into Hogwarts. The only way to change them is through a ritual and will only be granted if the Headmaster has a good reason. Dumbledore tried when he first came to power but never had a good enough reason. One of which the Founders placed to protect Omegas. After one offense it's a severe punishment. If it happens again they are expelled. Omegas have always been sacred and we're hoping that happens again."

Harry took that answer with a smile and closed his eyes while listening to his alpha work. Eventually, he felt himself being shaken lightly and opened his eyes to be face-to-face with Severus. "Hello, Darling. Class is going to start in ten minutes. I have a station set up for you in front."

The omega simply smiled and stretched before giving his mate a kiss and standing. He made his way to the front table with only one chair and a few protection charms. "The charms are only there to protect the baby from fumes. I will not be giving you any special treatment even if you are my mate. I expect the same amount of work out of you."

"Yes, Alpha. I wasn't expecting anything anyway."

"Good boy."

After that, the rest walked in. First came Ron and Hermione who sat at the far back left, two former Ravenclaws who sat in front of them, Blaise and Neville who sat behind Harry, and lastly Draco and Pansy who sat to the left of him. "Good, everyone's in pairs."

The eldest in the room drawled out with a slight growl that had Harry suppressing a shiver. "This year will be easy as we will be working on potions you would have made in seventh-year just without my help. Today, you and your partner will choose a potion to make and create a thorough essay on. You shall work on the potion in class and the essay outside of it. The essay will be due when the potion finishes. I shall be making the antidotes, if necessary, as one student shall drink it while the other tests it. You have ten minutes to sort it out."

Harry decided immediately to start with the wolfsbane potion as it held a lot of meaning to him. The other options were veritaserum and the antidote, rat tonic, wound-cleaning potion, draught of living death, and mandrake restorative draught. "Time. Let's start with Harry."

"Wolfsbane potion."

"Very good. Longbottom and Zabini?"

"Mandrake restorative draught."

"Alright, Malfoy and Parkinson?"

"Wound-cleaning potion."

"Ericson and Allistar?"


"And lastly, Granger and Weasley."

"Antidote to veritaserum." Hermione managed to say smugly while also being entirely focused on Ron.

"So, I shall expect Harry's, Longbottom and Zabini's, Malfoy and Parkinson's, and Granger and Weasley's assignments in two weeks. Ericson and Allistar yours will be due in five weeks. For today, I shall be you brew some easy pepper-up potions that will be used in Poppy's supply. Anything less than perfect shall be scrapped immediately."

Hermione's hand shot into the air which Severus rose an eyebrow at. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Is there any reason you are calling us by our last name yet using Harry's first?"

"He is my mate as you and everyone else knows and even if he wasn't I am allowed to call my students by any name I wish as long as it's appropriate and agreed upon by said student."

"It's disrespectful to not only him but everyone else. It's clear your playing favorites and I'll have to report this to Headmaster Dumbledore if it continues."

"You are not allowed to speak for others. Does anyone in here feel disrespected?" The whole class shook their heads. "I am also not playing favorites. He is expected to put in the same amount of effort as everyone else and will be graded properly."

"Then why is he covered in protection spells while none of us are."

"Now, Miss Granger, I thought you were the smartest witch of the century. Those spells are shields to protect my omega and I's unborn child. If he wasn't pregnant he wouldn't have them either. And before you try to argue, this is done for any pregnant student as it is both a rule and my own choice. Now if I were you, I'd get to work."

Harry stood from his table and hurried to grab the ingredients and prep them at his station. He quickly started on the potion while the rest followed his lead, along with an embarrassed and red-faced Hermione. Ron was lazily beside her not helping while lamely trying to calm her with indifference and exasperation on his face.

The former Ravenclaw's were ignoring everyone while Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, and Harry silently made fun of her and mocked her while still paying attention to their potions. In the end, all the potions were perfect and the walking library and red-haired teaspoon stormed out, slowly followed by the rest, Harry's friends saying their goodbyes.

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