A Little Extra Help

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The house was beautiful. The beach was huge and fenced in where their property lay. However, Severus insisted on locating every mirror on the property before they began to unpack. He used magic to ensure mirrors and anything similar were known to them. Luckily, he found everything. He put many protective charms and wards around the entirety of the property. Harry could feel himself relax with his seven-month-old sleeping in his arms.

"I hope he doesn't manage to spy on us here. My heat should be coming soon and the last thing I want is for him to see us. It's bad enough I don't know what we'll do with Zinnia, she's still breastfeeding and I don't know if we'll be able to help her."

"Don't worry, Darling. It's built into an omega and their child to be ready for this. Your heat will simmer down long enough to take care of her and Zinnia Darling will go into a sort of hibernation. She'll be sleeping until you're ready." The omega let out a sigh of relief. He was never taught how omega's work since Dumbledore never allowed it, even after he was found to be one.

"It should start in two or three days. I'll be getting supplies for it in the meantime. You and Zinnia relax. I'll take care of everything."

Harry nodded and accepted the quick kiss from his mate. His baby woke and began to squirm almost immediately. Harry sat on the soft couch and let her feed to her desire. Severus knew they needed another non magical means of protection. An animal would do the trick.


Severus made his way down a dirt road in the truck he purchased for occasions such as this. Taking a left he pulled into a large dirt area surrounded by a small farm with little herds of animals and a good amount of dogs. The man had researched this person for months and was pleased when a buyer backed out and he was accepted. While stepping outside he was met with a man. "Severus, how are you? I'm so excited you could finally come down to get him. I know he'll be a perfect fit for your home."

The shorter man went into a barn off to the side and returned with a large dog that was still growing. It stood proudly at 19" at eight months old and still growing. "He's the biggest of the litter but unfortunately didn't bond well with livestock. He still has his protective instinct though so he should be perfect for a guard dog role. I'll be in contact once a month for the first year then every three months after that. Remember to give me a call if anything happens or you can't keep him."

"Of course, I'm sure he'll fit right in. He'll be starting his training once he gets settled in."Severus packed the pup into the backseat of the truck and bid the man farewell. The pup would reach about 29" when fully grown and 150 lbs., but he already dwarfs the things around him. He would have to introduce him and then get the rest of the supplies since he only had the minimum.


Harry woke with a start when he heard an engine turn off. Zinnia was sleeping on him. All the stress on his body made him fall asleep. Harry stood and carried his child over to the door. He froze. His mate was standing in the doorway with a very large dog.

"Alpha, what is that?"

"Don't worry, Love. He's very friendly. Please just give him a chance."

Harry wasn't scared because he thought it was aggressive, he was scared because he didn't know if he could trust a strange dog with his baby. However, he trusted his alpha, so he walked up to the large dog with his baby in his arms. He reached out a wary hand and relaxed when he gave him gentle licks.

"Why did you get him, Alpha?"

"I wanted to have another layer of defense other than magic. He is literally bred to defend and I did plenty of research on the breed and his breeder."

Harry gave the gentle giant one last look before breaking. "Fine, but I don't trust him near our baby alone."

"That's fair, Love. I swear you'll grow to trust him soon. I made sure he was perfect for us and he'll receive protection training soon."

Harry let Severus lead them back into the living room where the beast of a dog sniffed around curiously. Harry sat slightly stiff against the arm of the couch while Severus sat next to him. The dog lay near their feet after a while and seemed to be keeping an eye and ear on the room.

"What's his name and breed?"

"I think I'll name him Raymundo. It means to guard wisely in Latin. We'll call him Ray for short. He's an Anatolian Shepherd. They were bred to defend livestock, but he didn't bond well with the animals, but the breeder knew he would be a great guard dog."

The omega gave a short nod. Silence followed for a solid half-hour, Severus soothing his mate and Harry eventually relaxing into him.

"I need to get Ray items as he only has a collar, leash, kennel, bowls, and food, do you wish to join?"

Harry nodded his head and stood. Zinnia was still asleep and the dog moved when he felt his owners doing so. Ray moved over a few feet to give them clearance. The omega relaxed a bit more and smiled a bit at how gently he did so. Maybe he wouldn't hurt them. Not on purpose that is. Ray was still large. Severus grabbed Zinnia's stroller and diaper bag and placed them in the truck bed, Harry placed his baby in the car seat while Severus hooked the cheap leash and collar to Ray.

Ray laid on the floor beside Zinnia. Severus was in the driver's seat while Harry hugged his arm in the passenger seat. The trip was minimal. Ray got new collars, beds, and extra bowls. Other than that, Harry convinced Severus to get the dog an outfit for the Yule ball in about a week. They would have to see Dumbledore, but Lucius and Narcissa hosted it so they had to go.

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