Mirror Mirror

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Classes went by smoothly for the first few months. The students had fallen in love with little Zinnia and Severus had officially lost his title as absolutely terrifying since it was hard to be scary when you had a baby spitting up on you. Harry didn't help much in that department as the omega just laughed anytime it happened.

Minerva was possibly the happiest about her though as she was named honorary grandmother. She took up the role beautifully as she spoiled the sweet baby and gave the couple plenty of alone time. Most of which was spent face down on their bed snoring. Although it was closely rivaled by Luna Lovegood's reaction when she was named godmother. It was the first time either man saw her break her calm nature and squeal.

Harry was an amazing mother given his lack of experience with babies. The omega seemed to always know what Zinnia needed when she cried. Zinnia was also an angel, usually only crying when she needed something. Severus was just happy to be a daddy and Draco was obsessed with his goddaughter.

Everything was going wonderfully up until it was time for Yule break. Harry and Severus were in their room cuddled in front of the fire on a black loveseat while Zinnia was napping. "What about the Potter mansion in Asia? We could have a nice vacation there, Alpha."

"Yes, but I think we need a break from mansions."

"Well, all of my properties are mansions. Unless the Prince family owns something different we don't really have a choice."

Harry was right, the Prince family only owned mansions, but there was one that was different from the others that he himself bought. It was in America. He had bought it for after he retired when he thought he was a beta and wouldn't have a mate. A year before Harry ran into his life as an omega.

"Well, I do have a property in the name Snape that I bought. It's a nice modern beach house in America with a private beach. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it will give us a break from magic."

Harry smiled and kissed Severus's cheek. "That sounds perfect, Alpha." Just then Zinnia called out with hunger from her nap.

"I've got her, Darling. I'll bring her to you." The potions master stood and went to their daughter's nursery. She was on her stomach and staring at the door while clutching her stuffed bat. It became her favorite toy after her mum gave it to her. Severus had just given Harry a 'really' look while the small male just laughed.

Yuletide break was from December 20th to January 9th and Zinnia would be seven months old on the thirteenth which was tomorrow. Severus gently picked up his daughter and held her to him where she promptly tried to suckle on his robes.

She did this a lot whether it was feeding, playtime, bath time, everything really. It was almost like she could barely tell the difference between the two males besides their scent, and since they were always next to each other, they always smelled like each other. They would have to look into that.

The alpha male brought his firstborn to his mate and handed her over to feed while sitting back in his spot. "We'll have to tell Dumbledore about the vacation just in case he needs to reach us or we have to stay longer."

"Yes. Is it just me or is Dumbledore acting weirder than normal? He always seems angry and like he knows something."

"Yes, I don't know what his problem is, but he's always glaring in our direction, it's definitely weird. Stay with me this year, I don't trust him." The omega simply nodded as he focussed on his feeding child. She had begun to wean and Harry was a little saddened by that. He wanted his baby to feed from him forever, but that wasn't possible.

Harry only wanted maybe one more child. Unlike what most thought, he never wanted a big family. Severus, however, wanted three more as he loved children.

"We'll talk to him after Zinnia's done feeding. I want to tell him as soon as possible so there is no way he can find a way to have us not go. He's done it to me before since I've started working in the castle and I don't expect him to stop now."

Zinnia finished after a few minutes but stayed clung to her mommy. She was super clingy but at least she didn't complain too much when they put her down for playtime, nap time, and tummy time. The couple put their shoes on and Harry put Zinnia in her pouch slung across his front before they left to the headmaster's office.

It took a while since they were on opposite sides of the castle, but they were used to the distance by now. The password had changed to dancing goblins and the family was let in.

Dumbledore was hunched over what looked like a mirror or picture frame with a confused look on his face. It looked smudged like the image was blurred.

The alpha cleared his throat and the elder jumped and flipped his object to be face down. "Ahh, Severus. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well, my family and I have decided to go on vacation..."

"Yes, yes. To your mansion in America, of course."

The couple gave each other a stare. "How did you know that, Dumbledore?"

"What do you mean? You told me at breakfast this morning, remember?"

The omega was getting creeped out and Severus held onto his arm with a gentle, firm, protective grip. "We've only made this decision half an hour ago, I've never once told you about that mansion, and we stayed in our rooms for breakfast this morning. There is no way you could know."

The old man paled and he peeked at his blurred picture again. "Well, never mind. I must get going. I have a meeting with Flitwick I must attend."

The 116-year-old practically ran from the room, leaving the two confused. Severus looked over to see Dumb-as-a-door left the object behind and walked towards it. Harry followed with the grip still on his arm. "Alpha, I'm frightened. Why would he know all that and then lie about how he found out?"

The man stayed silent with a stern look as he picked up what was definitely a mirror now that he could see it up close and looked into it to see a dark living area. It kept switching between rooms, but it was glitching slightly. Suddenly, Severus realized something, this was their living area in the castle.

The image flipped to their room and the alpha's blood boiled at the fact that the pervert had been watching them in their bed. That wasn't even the worst part. After their bedroom was Zinnia's, and there he was. Dumbledore messing with the image, probably to fix the glitching. Harry was watching everything in shock with tears in his eyes.


The man held his darlings close and hid a copy of the mirror in his robes. "Come, love. We must get going. I'll write a note telling the headmaster that we'll be leaving tonight."

The omega looked at his alpha like he was crazy. "Alpha, how can you act like this is normal?"

"Omega, just stay silent about it. Alpha will deal with this, alright." The alpha said while writing the note.

Harry was about to argue but knew his alpha wasn't happy. He simply did as told and didn't bring it up as Severus finished the note before leading his mate out with his hand on the small of his back. The feminine male was slightly shaking and held his baby close as his large mate kept a dead glare forward as they went back to their room. Luckily they didn't run into anybody.

The moment they were in the room, Severus rushed to pack their belongings into their bags. While packing, Severus looked in each location the images were and saw mirrors in each one. His fists clenched but he left them there as evidence.

That's where all those mirrors came from. Ever since Harry came into his life, the potions master had been noticing strange mirrors around his properties but simply thought that he forgot that they were there.

Within the hour they were packed and on their way to a carriage. The whole way to and on the train, Severus held his shaking mate and squirming baby.

Dumbledore would die.

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