Doctor and Contractions

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The next month was filled with decorating and weird food cravings. Harry spent most of his time healing the large garden while Severus sat in a gazebo on a bench reading potions books. Today, however, they needed to head to Saint Mungos. The Omega was due a few days ago and it was worrying them that there weren't even false contractions.

At noon the couple readied themselves before making their way to the carriage being drawn by Asmodeus and Beelzebub. It took 45 minutes for them to reach the hospital and it took them a little while to walk to the maternity section. It was 12:53 when the couple checked in at the front and sat to wait. With them were two other couples, an alpha and omega and two betas, as well as a single beta.

She sat with her head down, but her short hair showed a faded mark meaning her mate left her and marked another. Harry felt his heart squeeze but that was how it was with betas. They didn't have a chosen mate so they had to figure it out themselves. Sometimes they were wrong. The omega sat patiently next to his mate as the others went ahead of them and another joined.

At about 1:30 Harry's name was called and Severus helped the omega up. They walked through the beta rooms which held quite a few patients to the omega rooms which only held a few.

Harry and Severus were brought to a fairly large, white room with two chairs, the doctor's rolling stool, and the bed. They always made sure to keep the omega's beds comfortable because of how fragile they are.

Severus laid his mate down and, instead of sitting down, held Harry's hand and kissed it while standing against the wall. Soon two omega nurses came in for the checkup. They had Severus take off Harry's shirt and put on a gown with his belly showing. A thin blanket covering his solid black panties.

Originally their doctor was supposed to do all the checkups, but the doctor was an alpha and his assistant was a beta. During their first appointment, the second the two reached over to take the omega's shirt off, Severus growled and held his mate close. His eyes were black with anger.

They instead let omega's do it since no omega's felt attraction to each other unless they shared an alpha which made them mates too. Once Harry was ready, they placed some warmed gel on his large stomach. Moving a wand over it, they saw something weird. There was only one baby. With his stomach that big there should have been at least two.

The alpha could sense their worry and freaked. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, the baby is healthy from what we can see."

"The baby. Only one?" The alpha could swear there would have been two or three.

"Yes, only one." They searched a bit more till they spotted the problem and sighed in relief.

"What? What is it?"

"The reason the baby bump is larger than average is that there is fluid buildup. This is normal if they get pregnant during their first heat. It won't harm the mother or the baby but you should expect more fluid than normal when his water breaks."

Severus let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and kissed his omega on the forehead. He looked at the moving picture on the sheet of paper in front of him with a smile. The appointment went well after that. Harry and the baby were perfectly healthy. They determined the reason for the late birth was probably a small growth delay due to the potion, but it would only last a week at most.

The couple left with their worries at ease. Nothing would harm their baby.


It was 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 13, 1998. Two days after the appointment.

Harry and Severus were lounging in one of the gazebos in the large garden. Severus was sitting on a bench reading an old book about potions and correcting the mistakes for fun while Harry was in a hanging chair creating flower crowns from the daisies and tulips Severus's elves Gilly and Paxy brought him.

Severus wore one on his black hair. All three house-elves and Harry wore one as well. There were also a bunch piled on the floor. He was really concentrated. Finally bored, Harry stood up and began to walk to his mate. Halfway there he felt liquid trickling down his leg. He sighed as he thought it was his bladder but gasped as more of liquid flooded out of him.

Severus looked up and noticed his omega standing in a large puddle. His eyes widened and he sat up slowly. Snapping out of the trance, Severus was quick to scoop Harry up and call Dobby to him. "Dobby, tell Gilly and Paxy to get the baby bag and ready the carriage!" Severus yelled as he rushed to the front.

By the time he arrived the carriage was ready and with the baby bag inside. Severus hopped in and set Harry on his lap. Then he got his first contraction. It didn't hurt luckily, just a little pressure, but they both knew it would get worse.

Beelzebub and Asmodeus ran as fast as they could without harming their passengers and arrived at St. Mungos in thirty minutes, Harry having another contraction as they parked.

The omega nurses rushed out to help and led the couple to a private room. Harry was hurriedly stripped into nothing but a hospital gown and was made comfy. He was given ice chips then all at once they left.

Severus stayed by the bedside at all times. Helping his little mate as the contractions got more painful and closer together. They were alone for half an hour when three omegas and the alpha doctor appeared.

Harry's alpha growled with his eyes turning black. His hands moving to situate the blanket to cover his exposed mate. The other alpha held up his hands in defeat.

"You are a very possessive alpha. That is why I shall not be delivering your child. Luca is one of our few omega doctors and, since he recently had some plans get canceled, is going to be doing it instead. I wish you luck."

Severus eased when the alpha left, letting out his strong pheromones to rid the room of his scent. Harry as well as the other three whined as the smell reeked of dominance.

They began a routine for the next few hours it took for Harry to be ready. The nurses checked on him, the doctor measured how far along he was, Severus got more ice chips, and Harry used his mate's hand like a stress ball as his contractions started to feel like he was burning alive.

It was a little after 6 in the afternoon when the omega was finally ready. The omega doctor reached into the pregnant male and smiled. "Ten centimeters, you're ready."

The rest was a blur for Severus. His vision went to black and white. The doctor and nurses getting ready. Harry squeezing his hand. Settling Harry up in the right position. Pushing. Screaming. Encouraging.

Severus felt a crack in the hand Harry was holding and felt a fiery pain, but he couldn't do anything. He was frozen.

It seemed to end as quickly as it began. Snapping the teacher into reality was a cry. It sounded like heaven to his ears. He looked at the clock. 7:00 in the afternoon. The nurses took the baby away and he faintly felt the doctor resetting and bandaging his hand.

His eyes never left the little girl currently getting wrapped up in an emerald green swath. Harry had fallen asleep in exhaustion. The baby girl was placed in his arms.

She was so beautiful.

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