Continuing the Process

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By the time February came around Harry had started getting used to the unmoving weight but his mental health had heavily declined. He was able to keep good grades, although Severus went easy on him, and overall the omega did everything he could to forget about it. Now it was finally time for the potion to break and start the pregnancy again.

The raven-haired male sat on a bed in the infirmary with his alpha sitting next to him, rubbing his back. Severus had slight black under his eyes that gave away his decline. He was overly protective of his mate and spent nights and hours throughout the day worrying about him and the baby or babies he held. Once it was one minute until the potion broke, Madame Pomfrey made her way to the bedside to make sure nothing happened during the potion breaking.

Harry couldn't help but let out a gasp as his body seemed to unfreeze. He could feel the slight weight in his belly warm move and relief filled his system. Pomfrey cast some spells and smiled at the results. "The scans show that the baby is fine. I do not believe any harm came from the freezing, however, some things might show up once they are born. I wouldn't worry about it though, it will be minor if it happens."

Harry burst into tears of relief and joy while Severus hugged him close, refusing to let the water building in his eyes fall. "Oh, our baby. Our baby's alright. Thank Merlin they're alright."

The mediwitch silently walked away to another patient as the couple held each other and celebrated. They had been through a lot the last few months and needed this time alone. Severus swept Harry up bridal style and held him close as he rushed to their room. Passion took them away as the omega was placed softly on the bed and thoroughly snogged. The black winter dress he was wearing was slowly rolled up by long, thin fingers.

Shivers of pleasure racked up the younger male's spine as the fingers slid gently along his inner thighs. He raised his body a bit to help his alpha peel off the garment, leaving him in black panties and flats which were quickly flicked off. Thin lips traced down Harry's collarbone followed by a freshly healed Roman nose. A wet line moved along the bone up to the smaller mate's mark.

Moans filled the room as Severus sucked, licked, and bit at the sensitive spot. Once a sizable mark was made, he stood up straight while keeping predatory eyes on the man under him. His shirt was slowly unbuttoned until it slid off his pale shoulders. His shoes were kicked off as Harry sat up and began undoing the man's pants. Sliding them off, the couple were left in their undergarments.

The two crawled along the large bed until they managed to center themselves as best they could. The omega lay panting and moaning as his alpha left multiple marks up and down his body, leaving only light kisses to the barely protruding stomach. Severus reached out a hand and focussed his magic until a bottle flung from the bedside table landed in his hand. He positioned himself between Harry's legs as he poured a healthy amount of lube on his fingers.

Tossing the bottle on the bed a little ways away, the man used his empty hand to peel off his lover's panties. Pushing his boxers down until his large cock popped out, he used most of the slick substance along the throbbing member before collecting the extra. He balanced himself above his darling as he inserted the first finger inside the relaxed hole. Severus pumped the finger in and out for a few seconds before adding the next.

The man was making sure his mate was getting stretched thoroughly since they hadn't mated much due to grief the past few months. Thankfully the hole was relaxed as Harry trusted the man fully and willingly let him in his body. Slowly fingers were added until three were pumping in and out at an even pace.

After a few seconds, the fingers were removed much to the omega's displeasure. The head of a cock replacing them appeased the submissive male not too long later. Light panting was all that could be heard as Severus pressed himself fully into his mate. Harry tried to hold in, but the moans and whimpers began to seep from between his fairly full lips as his alpha gently thrust into his body.

Gaining some strength, the male wrapped his legs around the waist above him and buried his hands into long, black hair. Severus laid kisses on Harry's lips as the thrusting sped up gradually. Eventually, the older man was pounding into his mate at a rough pace that had the younger's legs shaking. A scream sounded as the cock head hit the prostate gland and Harry had to keep himself from cumming as Severus began to abuse the area.

He only lasted four minutes before cumming across his stomach and squeezing himself around his alpha. The other man groaned out as his own cock shot out cum inside his lover. Collapsing to the side, Severus pulled out of Harry before pulling him tight against his chest. "You are perfect, Darling. You are the best mate I could ask for and you'll be the best mother to our baby."

Tears were silently shed by both of them as they slipped off into a peaceful sleep.

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