Yule Ball and Dumbledore

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The ball was in full swing when the family arrived. Ray in a tux and Zinnia giggling in her dress. She gripped into thin air before grabbing her father's face. The couple was becoming more and more concerned. They needed to get her checked out. But that was for later, now they needed to have fun.

Harry gripped onto his Alpha's arm and the baby's empty buggy, Ray stood next to Severus's left, looking around for any danger while the man held onto his baby. The family walked over to the Malfoy's when they came into view. Harry was confused when Draco wasn't with his parents. "Lucius, Narcissa. It's great to see you again."

"Oh, Severus, it's great to see you and your family again, but who's this?" Narcissa pointed to Ray.

"This is Raymundo. I got him to help protect Harry and Zinnia. I hope you got my letter and package."

The air turned dark for a second before turning back. "Yes, I can tell you I was not in the best of moods. It's horrible to think about in general, but since my son was found as an omega, I've found it harder to control my emotions. Everything in me is telling me to protect my child. Even though he's found his mates, it's difficult."

"Wait. Draco found his mate?" Harry spoke for the first time.

"Mates actually. It turns out, our little dragon is mated to the Weasley twins. It's quite amusing, but Lucius is still getting used to the pranks."

Harry was shocked but smiled wide. "Alpha, may I go find them?"

"Of course, Darling. Just take Zinnia Darling and Ray."

Severus placed the nearly sleeping baby in the buggy and Ray walked to his side. The couple shared a kiss before Harry went off. He eventually found the trio on the dance floor. Fred in front of Draco and George behind, both had their arms wrapped around him. Draco was resting his head on George's chest, his right hand gripping George's arm and his left gripping Fred's tux.

Harry smiled, but it turned into a blush as he realized the twins were sneakily grinding themselves into their mate. When Draco finally opened his eyes and saw his friend he blushed and tried to move his partners. They just held him tighter until they saw Harry and stopped moving. Draco took his chance and walked to his friend and goddaughter. "Well, I see you found your mates."

"Um, yes, and they're very...expressive."

"I could tell." The twins soon joined them and they spent the night talking. Narcissa, Lucius, the trio, Harry, and Severus take respective turns watching Zinnia so the respective lovers could dance. The night ended fairly soon and luckily Dumbledore only showed for a few minutes, but he never saw the couple he was trying to spy on. Severus had taken help from the Malfoys, and now the twins, to grab the evidence of Dumbledore's crimes.

This would end soon.


They had finally set up a doctor's appointment two days after the ball. Harry's heat would be starting in about two days and he was already showing signs of nesting so they had to hurry. They decided it would be best to have him nest in the beach house so he didn't have to change it until school started up. But now they were on their couch, waiting for the healer to see why Zinnia never seemed to know the difference between them.

When the healer arrived, they told him about what was happening. "Hmm, I wonder..."

He walked to the baby and looked into her eyes. He then took his wand and did some scans. "Well, it's as I thought."

"What? What's wrong with our baby?"

"I'm surprised you couldn't tell. Her pupils can't focus on anything but light changes."

Severus narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Your daughter is blind.At least mostly. She can still see lights and shadows but nothing more. From my scans, she was born that way which is fairly rare as it usually develops over time. There's nothing anyone could do. My guess is that it's from an outside force while your omega was pregnant."

He left the pair in shock while watching their baby. Harry suddenly began bawling, scaring everyone. His alpha was quick to wrap him up.

"That stupid potion. I knew it was too good to be true when Pomfrey said she was healthy."

"Darling, just think. It's better for her to be blind than not here at all."

Harry thought about it and slowly the tears stopped. "Okay, you're right, but I can't help it. All I wanted was our baby to be healthy, but now I learn that she's going blind because of the incident. What if something else goes on?"

"Darling! Trust me, Zinnia Darling will be okay. We just have to go along the curves Lady Magic throws at us. It's all we can do. Now, come. We must finish getting ready for your heat, and almost all evidence against Dumbledore has been collected. We'll be bringing it in about a week after. Then, we'll be on our way to freedom."


All of the mirrors had stayed the same as to not clue off Dumbledore except for their bedroom. With Zinnia's bedroom, they rearranged it so it was more secluded from the mirror but not in a suspicious way. Their mirror was charmed so if they were changing or naked, they were wearing clothes, and if they were making love, as Severus put it, it would show them sleeping.

Harry began his nesting the day after. He ran around the manor and grabbed the softest blankets and pillows, stuffed animals, Severus's robes and shirts, and placed them perfectly in his spot. Unfortunately for Sev, he wasn't allowed to see it until his heat. He's tried to follow his mate, but he always lost him when he turned down the unused corridor.

The next morning, Severus found himself awake with his wide-eyed omega on top of him. "Darling, what's going on?"

He then was dragged from the bed and nearly out the door by Harry who was only dressed in Severus's pajama shirt. "Hold on, Darling. We should get dressed."

He stopped his pulling omega and saw the look in his eyes. He was desperate and in a horrible rush. Trusting him, the alpha followed the smaller male down to the unused corridor. He was showing him his nest, that could only mean that Harry would be starting his heat.

Harry pulled him down halfway into the hallway and thru a navy door. Inside was a bedroom that had been cleaned from all of its dust and gloom, but it wasn't right. The omega pulled his mate to another door that lead to a medium-size walk-in closet. A quarter of it was filled with the items that created his nest. It looked like a mess, but it was actually very comfortable.

The potion master let himself be pushed into the nest and to be climbed on top of. The little omega rested for a few hours, only once needing to go help his baby until he felt a semi-familiar heat. His whimpering caught the dark man's attention as well as the scent of his heat. The scent triggered Severus into his rut like last time. This time though, they had a nest and Severus would be breeding him on purpose.

Soon, the clothes were torn off and the alpha had his mate on his side with him pressed up behind him, sniffing at his mark that smelt particularly sweet. It made the male growl and rub his throbbing member along the omega's rear, coating it in slick.

It only took a minute before Severus was able to slip inside. Even fully stretched the male was tight. Harry whimpered and curled into his mate, his heat causing an unbearable heat to spread through him. Although, since his rut made him cool to the touch except in his crotch, Severus helped cool him down.

The alpha tilted his mate a little under him and placed a bent knee between his mate's legs. This position gave him plenty of room to thrust into his mate and to go balls deep inside. The breeding lasted two days when Harry's body accepted the breeding. Now their family would grow as their baby was born in five months.

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