What the Fuck is going on!

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In times of war you need to grow up and become wittier, stronger, faster. If you don't you will die. That's the harsh reality. Tommy had to learn this the hard way when his parents were killed. It must have been what, four months ago? He had lived in Logstedshire as long as he could remember and never had to deal with a stressful situation in his life. Tommy had a family, friends, and a home. Now it is gone. It had been a normal day for him. He didn't notice the whispers exchanged between his parents or wonder why the television was off all day. It didn't seem important compared to his math test on Friday. God he was stupid! Even the most unmanly of men could have figured that out and Tommy is the biggest of men! This was so not pog. So basically they were all at home Tommy's mother and father were sitting at the table while he was sitting on the couch in the living room. Everything was fine until it wasn't as cliche as it sounds. Gunshots started sounding out beyond their front door. Loud, booming, sounds of destruction. Tommy, having no idea as to what was going on, ran to his parents.

"What's going on?!" Tommy shouted concern and anger laced his words.


"Everyone out!" Someone screamed outside which caused even more of those ringing shots to be shot. Tommy looked between his parents but all he could see was the desperation in their eyes. He then turned to the window. When he saw friends and neighbors he knew all of their lives in fear. Standing with their hands in the air in front of a soldier. No, that didn't look like their soldiers. What the fuck was going on!

"Tommy," His mother said, drawing his attention to her, "Listen carefully. Your father and I are going out the front door to see what they want." She said carefully and calmly despite her voice starting to shake, "If you....hear us screaming run out the back door." Tears now poured down her face and the confidence that was once in her voice had faded, "Tommy please."

He was so selfish he just let them go! Why didn't he even say ficking goodbye! He just heard more gunshots and screams and bolted like a coward. Big men don't do that! Tommy didn't even look back. The next few days he kept on running. He didn't know why maybe guilt, or fear, or the group of soldiers chasing him but he barely stopped other than to rest. But that's in the past. Tommy is fine now he has to be.

After he stopped running he was lucky enough to find an abandoned barn. It was nice because the soldiers didn't really deem it as suspicious for whatever reason. But hey he wasn't complaining! The barn was pretty small compared to other barns but was still big enough that it had a lot of places Tommy could hide. The inside of the barn is dirty and falling apart. Most of the floorboards are cracked and the doors squeaked everytime Tommy tried to open them which was inconvenient. But it was a lot fucking better than the situation he was in before when he was running! He was able to turn the loft upstairs into his bedroom and made a pile of hay his bed. Life was good (no it wasn't).

Things were slowly getting better. By now most of the soldiers were gone anyway. Tommy now devoted his time to raiding local gas stations/stores and trying to find any other survivors. He hasn't found any survivors yet but he has found enough food and water to last him a few weeks if he rationed it correctly. Though he still needed to find other supplies like blankets and new clothes. His current clothes were falling apart at this point and it was starting to get colder as winter approached so he would need a winter coat. It was also hard to know what was even going on. He sometimes would be lucky and find a radio with batteries but he still doesn't have much of a clue as to what's going on. So far what he's pieced together is that Logstedshire was fighting in a war against the SMP because they were in an alliance with L'manburg. So his whole community as well as nearby areas were a few of the many casualties. Great! Which means he would have to travel more than a few days to even get help. This realization was not very pog to say the least. Even if he wanted to make the trip he didn't have enough supplies or the energy so he was stuck. Wooo.

Today though for once Tommy actually had a plan and a good one at that. It was rather simple in theory. He just needed to find the earnest supermarket and take whatever he could carry in his torn red backpack that he found a month ago. He would just need to look out for soldiers which had become easier after most of them left. Maybe they needed to fight elsewhere? Oh well that was not his problem anyways if anything it was helping him! Now Tommy just needed to find a store he hadn't checked before. So off he went like the awesome person he was....only to get lost not even thirty minutes later. Ok to be fair Tommy only got a little bit distracted by a raccoon that was crossing the street. But that's not his fault because he was just making sure the raccoon was safe crossing the street (even though there isn't anyone to hit the raccoon anyways)! He must have followed the raccoon for only five minutes until he realized he didn't know where he was....But on the bright side he did find a huge store. So the mission was practically a success all thanks to him!

When he said the store was big he really meant it. It seemed even bigger when you got inside! Tommy then spent his time running around the store and knocking things over as one does. He only stopped for the things he needed: non perishable foods, water, a winter coat (he found a cool bright red puffy coat), new clothes, more bags so he could carry all of his stuff, a radio, and lots of batteries! He could have gotten more but he decided he could always come back. The store was in pretty good condition anyways. So with that he was done! Well not exactly he was still lost...  

It took him two fucking hours to get back. Tommy is not ok. But this is fineeeee it was that stupid raccoons fault anyways not his!!! But Tommy being the big man that he is will let it go for now. Instead he is going to try and use the radio he got. Now this was a big moment. You never know what to expect with radios. You can either find a station that will tell you everything about the war or it will tell you about all the celebrity gossip. One of these subjects is more helpful than the other (even if Tommy likes to hear the gossip sometimes). So when Tommy puts in the two double A batteries he is surprised to actually hear something more than useful.

"-News folks. Today marks the end of the war! You can go back to your homes and families and it is finally over. L'Manburg won..." Despite the static Tommy heard those last two words clear as day. They had won. The world in that moment seemed to fall apart and come back together in an instant. Tommy wasn't sure what to feel or even what to do now. So all he could do was cry. But it wasn't long before the person continued, "The ruler of the Antarctic Empire and his sons have taken it upon themselves to check the damages in Logstedshire and give all of the help that they can to rebuild it." Holy shit he was going to be saved.

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