A Family of Five

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The day had been normal everything was fucking normal! Tommy woke up, ate breakfast with everyone, went fencing with Techno, had lunch, went to the library, went to dinner, now this.

"Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and I were discussing things recently and we were wondering... Can we adopt you?" Phil was smiling they all were so nervous. Even Techno was fidgeting with the hem of his cape. And honestly, Tommy was stunned to the point he was just staring at them jaw dropped for a few seconds.

"You want to adopt me! I mean. I knew you wanted to adopt me but you want to adopt me?!" Tommy was now on the verge of short-circuiting as he rambled to particularly no one. Soon enough he took a deep breath and took a second to think, "I'm sorry I just wasn't expecting it."

"It's ok you don't have to answer us right away," Phil was still smiling. Why was Phil always so patient with him? Though next to Phil Wilbur was barely holding back an overdramatic look of disappointment and Techno just looked like a kicked puppy. Did they care about him that much?

"No, it's not that. I just... I would love it if you adopted me." Now Tommy was crying. It took him so long to accept that. It took so long for those tears of happiness to stream down his face before he could push them away. This was the closure he needed. This was the future he wanted. This is the family that wanted him.

Soon enough everyone (minus Techno who was barely holding it together) was crying, and hugging, and laughing. The patient and scared looks shared between his family melted into warm embraces and sighs of relief. Even an hour later Tommy was still clinging to Phil as he did paperwork. He was really happy.

"Tommy, what are your thoughts on being introduced to the kingdom as the new prince?" Phil asked as he wrote down things that Tommy didn't understand

"Not yet. I was barely able to get through today I don't think I can handle being publically crowned as a prince yet" Tommy thought for a second, "I don't even know anything about the Antarctic Empire. Though I did make a list a while back on what I did know! Want to give your opinion on my fabulous work of art?"

"I would love nothing more," Phil replied with a laugh

"So first off it's cold!"

"Wow, I didn't notice." Techno joined in from the doorway, "What are you talking about?"

"The list I made about what I knew about the Antarctic Empire before coming here," Tommy replied instantly

"I need to hear this!" Wilbur said joining Techno in the doorway and as they both came in Tommy continued to list off what he came up with. Once Tommy was finished Wilbur, Techno, and Phil decided to show Tommy around as soon as possible.

Just like that time seemed to stop as the conversation continued. But soon the excitement wore off and Tommy fell asleep surrounded by the people who cared about him the most. He finally had a family again.

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