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After the festival had finally passed things at the castle had become a lot less hectic. But there were still things that needed to be done regarding Tommy now being a prince. The first of which was getting Tommy a few personal servants of his own. Which was just fucking weird to him. But according to Phil, they would be useful to have, and maybe Tommy could make new friends with kids his age. He also told Tommy that they had already decided on two servents for Tommy one of which was Puffy's nephew Tubbo. The other was another boy his age by the name of Ranboo. Even though the thought of having to tell two boys his age what to do made him die it also would be nice to have people to hand out with that weren't adults. Sure Techno and Wilbur acted like they were five years old at times but even they are adults! Why did Tommy always have to be the youngest! But anyway he wouldn't be meeting with Tubbo and Ranboo for a few days because they still needed to work out the paperwork. So for now Tommy could continue with his everyday activities.

To start his day Tommy knocked on Techno's door to see if he was ready to fence. This activity had somehow become a bonding experience for the both of them so they always made time for it in the morning.

"Technooooo" Tommy yelled at the door when Techno did not respond

"I'm coming I'm coming," Techno said yawning midway as he opened the door, "You ready?" he asked Tommy, and when he was met with enthusiastic nods he quickly led Tommy outside the castle and onto the training grounds.

They both quickly stretched and then grabbed their fencing equipment. When it was all on they met back up in the middle and got into position.

"Remember you want your legs to be spread further apart," Techno said for the millionth time as he lounged towards Tommy

"Man I keep forgetting!" Tommy exclaimed as he blocked Techno's sword and attempted at a jab of his own. But instead of him hitting Techno he lost balance and fell onto the ground again.

"Tommy remember the point of fencing is not to fall on your butt," Techno smirked

"Haha so funny," Tommy deadpanned as he lifted himself up and attempted another jab at Techno. This time went a little bit better because Tommy did not fall but Techno still easily blocked his jab. But at least he was making progress!

This repeated for a while until Tommy was actually able to jab Techno. High totally did not surprise him because he's a big man!

"HOLY SHIT I HIT YOU!!!!" Tommy said practically beaming at this point

"Yes, you did?" Techno responded like this was not the coolest thing to ever happen in the entire world!!!!

"Techno my man my main man do you understand how important this is?"


Tommy made a flabbergasted noise and then started speaking, "I hit you for the first time!"


Tommy started blankly at Techno

Techno stared back

The two of them stood just like this for a while. Until Wilbur rudely interrupted.

"What are you doing?" Wilbur asked while walking over

"Techno is being a prick!"

"How am I being a prick?"

"Because I jabbed you for the first time all you said was 'cool.'"

"What else am I supposed to say?"

"You're supposed to have enthusiasm," Tommy said holding out the word enthusiasm

"Ok fine, good job Tommy," Techno said using the fakest enthusiasm he could just to spite Tommy

Tommy being oblivious answered, "Thank you Techno. Now let's get back to fighting!"

And so they did. They must have fought for the rest of the day if Tommy is being honest. I mean sure they had breaks for lunch and dinner but they were outside for a long time. Soon enough they went back inside and went to bed. And Tommy surprised himself and fell asleep.

When he woke up he was surprised to see two boys looking down at him. The first was short, had long brown hair that went past his eyes, and little goat horns. The other was way taller with split-dyed hair and heterochromatic eyes. By the looks of it, the first boy is a goat hybrid while the other is half enderman and half something else that Tommy could not identify.

"Hello!" Said the shorter one was he peered down at Tommy

"Who are you?" Tommy said yawning midway through

"Well I'm Tubbo and he's Ranboo and we are your new servants!"

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