Castle shenanigans

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Tommy didn't understand the royal life. Like at all! He tried to get used to it but it was just weird. For example Phil and Techno both have an obsession with gold because of their hybrid traits right? So one day Tommy saw them picking jewelry out of a pile that went up to Tommy's knees! How can they afford that much fucking jewelry?! Just one of those pieces of jewelry could have paid the rent for his family for months! Tommy seriously is starting to think they shouldn't have access to that much money anymore. Then once they noticed him they quickly tried to cover up what they were doing. Every time Tommy asked someone about this he just got a cryptic response. The only person who gave Tommy a straight answer was Wilbur who said and I quote,

"They just really like gold."

What was Tommy supposed to do with this? He already knew they liked gold that was apparent the moment he saw a pile of gold on their fucking floor! This was so not pog! He also was extremely confused when he first saw his room. It was three fucking times larger than his old room, was fully furnished, and it even had a couch! Not to mention it had a bathroom and a fucking walk-in closet! He didn't even have clothes to put in a walk-in closet at the time! Now of course they had fully stocked the closet with clothes that fit Tommy perfectly! How did they have enough money to do this? He had no clue why they were doing this were they planning on letting him stay or did they just have a lot of extra money they didn't know what to do with? Either way, Tommy wasn't complaining he quite enjoyed having his own bathroom for the time being.

But as time went on Tommy had learned to accept their richness (this was not even a day later) and use it to his advantage! He was now going to cause some mischief. So that's how Tommy found himself in the situation he was in now. He had just stolen a cape from Techno, Wilbur's trench coat, and Phil's entire bed. Don't ask how Tommy stole Phil's bed and just focus on the fact that it's now his. Now Tommy would need to wait to see if they would notice or if they would just replace it and go on with their lives. So Tommy waited.

And waited

And waited

In the end, only Techno came back for his cape after a day. The conversation went something like this.

"Tommy, can I come in?"

"Sure big man!" Tommy responded as Techno opened the door waiting for the chaos to erupt

"Have you seen my cape-" Techno stopped and just looked. At first, he just looked confused and then his expression changed into something a bit more amused, "Do I even want to know?"

"Probably not," Tommy said as he handed Techno his cape

"How did you even manage to steal Phil's bed?"

"I have my ways,"

"That doesn't sound suspicious at all," Techno remarked with a smug grin on his face

"Well, all that matters is that it has been a few hours and Phil hasn't even realized it's missing yet! Like Wilbur's coat I can understand, but I took Phil's entire fucking bed!"

"So you're telling me you stole all of our stuff to see how long it would take for us to realize it was missing?"

"Yeah pretty much!"

"You know what I'm just going to leave and pretend I didn't see this." Techno
paused for a second weighing his options, "But just let me how long it takes for Phil to realize his bed is gone."

It took Phil two more days for him to realize that his original bed had disappeared. Tommy isn't even fucking exaggerating this! He just didn't notice that the Maids had replaced his bed with an entirely new one until one of them asked him where his old bed went. Well to say Phil was surprised where his bed had ended up was an understatement. He was too amused that he didn't notice his bed had disappeared for him to even get mad at Tommy. Tommy was still waiting for Wilbur to notice he had his trenchcoat. Wilbur didn't even notice Tommy had stolen it when he wore the trenchcoat right in front of him! Now Phil, Techno, and Tommy had an ongoing bet on how long it would take Wilbur to realize Tommy had his coat. It was the funniest thing!

Tommy really enjoyed his time at the castle. He just wondered how long it would last. He knew from his last home that nothing lasted forever but maybe just maybe he would be able to stay for a few more weeks.

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