The painting lady comes to visit

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Tommy had been settling into the castle well he even took the time to unpack his belonging after he was sure he wasn't getting kicked out anytime soon. His room was now personalized towards him with a color scheme of red, white, and grey. Tommy still felt bad about them spending money on him but he was getting better about it. On top of the mini bookshelf that sat next to his bed was the picture frame of his parents. Tommy was really glad that it didn't crack on the way here. Fuck he wouldn't know what he would do with himself if it did. Recently Phil has started to ask him about therapy. Tommy wasn't sure at first he didn't like sharing his feelings it made him feel defenseless. But if Phil was saying it would be good for him it must be! Phil was the greatest man to exist ever after all! So then he told Tommy that he would start setting up appointments for Tommy after he got more settled in. Phil said that they had a really good therapist so Tommy was a little less nervous. He was even a bit excited.

"Tommy!" Shouted Phil from the other side of the door


"There's someone we want you to meet!"

"Ok, I'll be there in a second big man!" Tommy could hear Phil chuckle even from where he was standing. It made Tommy smile that he got Phil to laugh.

Tommy quickly got changed into more presentable clothes. They were a bit uncomfortable but if Phil wanted him to meet someone they must be important. Tommy should try his best to make a good first impression. Though he knows one way or another they will have no choice but to love him!

Tommy opened his door and made his way to the parlor in the living quarters (yes they have multiple living rooms with fancy names). In the parlor, he saw Phil, Techno, and Wilbur sitting with a lady...The lady from the paintings!!! He finally gets to know the lore behind the paintings!

"So Tommy.." Phil said a little bit of nervousness trickling into his words, "This is Kirsten, my wife." Phil finally said with a smile on his face

"You have a wife!"

"You didn't tell him about me!" Tommy's attention was now turned toward Kirsten who had a look of over-exaggerated hurt on her face.

"Well, we wanted him to meet you first.." Phil tried so hard to make an excuse and failed so miserably

"Does he even know why I haven't been here at all!" Phil slowly shook his head, "See now I just look rude! Well Tommy I'm not around the castle much because I'm the goddess of death."

They all stared in silence for a bit until Tommy of course broke it, "That is so cool! Phil why didn't you tell me about this!"

"Yea Phil," Kristen said in a mocking tone causing both her and Tommy to laugh

"Wilbur and Techno I see you over there you aren't let off the hook! You didn't tell me either!" Tommy said now turning his pointed finger at them

"To be fair Phil told us not to tell you," Wilbur answered not even hesitating to throw Phil under the bus

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Wooow Phil now you're just trying to blame your poor children" Techno now joined in with an evil smirk on his face

This went on for a while before they all settled down to have dinner. Kristen would have to leave soon so Tommy was just happy to get to spend a little bit more time with her.

Dinner went pretty normally besides the fact every so often Kirsten would shoot Phil with a nerf gun. It was nice to spend time with a family it reminded him of his own before it was taken away. Tommy tried to not think back on the past as much but it was hard not to make comparisons. But Tommy knew things like this took time and he just needed to be patient with himself. Life does not need to be pog all the time so he said as such in the middle of dinner.

"Tommy what the actual fuck." Wilbur was the first to comment after a few brief seconds of silence

"What?" Asked Tommy who didn't see anything wrong with what he just said

"That literally came out of nowhere" Techno deadpanned then added on, "And why did you use the word pog in that sentence?"

"Because pog is a complex word that matches my complex feelings"

"Sure..." Added Kristen who was just trying to be supportive at this point

"You guys just don't understand me!"

Soon after dinner finished and Tommy was forced to say goodbye to Kristen who left through a really cool-looking portal. Tommy then left for his room and fell asleep on his really soft bed.

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