The Conference

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The conference was here and Tommy was scared, to say the least. Even though Phil assured Tommy that he talked to the reporters it didn't make Tommy any less scared. But he had to do this he needed to be strong at least for a little bit.

"You ready mate?" Phil asked as they waited behind stage

"I'm a little bit nervous and I might throw up but other than that I'm good!" Tommy said trying best not to let his shakiness show through his voice

"Are you sure if you want we can cancel the conference?"

"No...No it's fine, ill be fine,"

Soon enough Tommy, Phil, Techno, and Wilbur were called onto the stage. They all were given chairs in the middle of the stage along with water and microphones. Techno and Wilbur sat on the outside chairs while Tommy and Phil sat on the inside. The audience was large with about twenty people but it honestly wasn't as bad as Tommy originally thought. Tommy fidgeted quietly as Phil started up the conference talking about what a joy Tommy was and restating the rules of the conference. And then soon enough the questions started coming. They all were hard for Tommy to answer so thankfully either Phil or Wilbur would answer them for him. Up until one question one that Tommy knew neither Phil nor Wilbur would be able to answer.

"What happened to your parents?" Just as Phil was going to step in Tommy took over. They deserved an answer and he didn't mind answering.

"They were killed by enemy soldiers along with the rest of my neighborhood. I was extremely lucky to just make it out alive let alone survive on my own," Tommy answered quickly and simply. For a minute everyone was quiet and Tommy wasn't sure if it was because they didn't expect Tommy to ever talk or the answer he provided.

So then Tommy decided to continue speaking not because he thought they deserved to know but because he wanted to, "I spent a long time running after that. I had to become smarter, stronger, and more clever to survive. During the war, I learned how to break into abounded builds for resources, use radios for information, and cook with the little amount of food I had." Tommy took a second to breathe, "Nothing a kid my age should know how to do. And I faced a lot of situations that would scare even the bravest of people. But I'm doing better now. I'm going to therapy and I have a new family that loved and supports me. So slowly I'm getting better,"

With that Tommy started crying. It wasn't out of sadness, happiness, or even anxiety. It was out of relief that he was finally safe. And his crying by itself caused a whole new wave of quiet deathly silence. Shortly after the conference had ended and Tommy was physically and emotionally drained.

Notes: Join my discord!!!!

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