Shall we fence?

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Tommy was always a fighter so when Techno offered to teach him fencing he was all for it! That was until he fell on his butt for the sixth time. Tommy jumped back onto his feet dusted himself off and made his way back into the position Techno had taught him.

"You're going too hard on me this is not fair!" Tommy wined as he blocked a slow jab that was coming his way

"I'm not going too hard on you. You're just not good" Techno smirked while once again knocking Tommy down with the hilt of his sword

"Hey! Ugh, Philllllllll tell Techno he's going too hard on me!"

"Don't worry Tommy you're doing fine. Wilbur was way worse when he first started." Phil then butted his elbow into Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur not appreciating the comment tilts away from Phil almost causing him to fall off of his seat.

"That's not true! Techno is just a protege it's not fair for you to compare me to him!" Wilbur huffed turning back just in time to watch Tommy fall again which then made him laugh

"Hey stop laughing you prick!" As he said this his face turned pink in embarrassment. This was not a good day for the Tommyinnit community.

"Awww are you embarrassed," Teased Wilbur as he leaned forward towards Tommy. Tommy in response only huffed.

As Tommy's lesson continued many more smart remarks were made as well as bruises from all of the times Tommy fell. Which was a lot! But Tommy had learned so much already and was not ready to give up! He was going to be the best fencer known to man! After all, he was the manliest of men (excluding Phil).

"Tommy widen your stance it will help you not fall every five seconds," Techno commented as Tommy fixed his stance. And surprisingly enough Techno was right the next time Techno hit him Tommy didn't fall. Progress! He was finally getting somewhere besides the ground! This improvement was enough to get Phil to cheer for him and Wilbur to look disappointed (yet also secretly proud). This became an all-day event without them even realizing it. They only really stopped to eat and get water. Tommy was surprised he lasted this long. But soon enough it was over and they ended their day with ice cream and sweets.

Things were good. And then Tommy started therapy. Let's just say he learned a lot more about himself than he expected. His therapist was a ram hybrid by the name of Puffy. She was very pog, to say the least. She was very patient with Tommy and never told him what he should feel which he appreciated. It was nice having someone to talk to about his parents and the guilt that had built up inside of him. Tommy knew he had a lot of unpackaged trauma but he wants to do his best to change that over time. Puffy is always quick to remind him that he is just a kid. He shouldn't need to hold himself to such a high standard or worry about where his next meal will come from. He just needs to worry about being a kid. Being himself and loving himself unconditionally. Tommy needed to hear that.

Puffy also started to talk to him about potentially getting a new family. Tommy knew that Phil wanted to adopt him he wasn't stupid. He has been staying in the castle for three months now. If Phil wasn't planning on adopting Tommy he would have sent him to the nearest orphanage as soon as he could. But Tommy isn't sure what to think about it. He really does like Phil, Wilbur, and Techno but he just isn't ready yet. Tommy doesn't think he would be able to handle it. But maybe one day he will be ready enough to say yes. He hopes that day will come soon! But alas not yet. For now, Tommy just needs to focus on himself because he is awesome.

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