You Got This!

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Today was the day. The castle buzzed with excited chatter among servents and princes alike. They now have time to relax with their families after all of the planning and preparation they had done for the event. The only person who was not excited was Tommy the person this was all for. Well no Tommy was excited but his nervousness outweighed his excitement by a long shot. It didn't help that he only managed to get a few hours of sleep. Tommy's day was anything but pog so far, to say the least.

Tommy was woken up bright and early. So early that the sun wasn't even out yet! Not only that but he was forced out of his bed and shoved into uncomfortable clothes! He was put into a long light blue suit jacket paired with a white waistcoat with blue and red floral designs on the sides. Though the clothes were beautiful they were also very itchy. But thankfully this outfit was only for the ceremony so he wouldn't have to wear it for too long! It was going to look cool because the whole royal family was going to matching which Tommy was excited about.

As the ceremony got closer Tommy started to feel more anxious to the point where Phil asked Tommy if he wanted to cancel the event. But Tommy already worked so hard for this and was surprisingly looking forward to the event despite his anxieties.

"I got this Phil! I just need to calm down and I should be fine."

"Are you sure? Would you feel more comfortable if Wilbur or Techno stood with you?" Phil asked trying to figure out how he could best help Tommy in this situation while also making sure that everything was ready.

Tommy took a second to think about it until he finally responded, "Yea I think having Wilbur and Techno standing with me would help a lot actually" This way if anything happened he would have Wilbur and Techno to protect him. It was a perfect plan! Just the thought of his brothers coming with him was enough to make Tommy feel more confident. He's got this!

"You ready Tommy," Wilbur asked as he, Techno, and Tommy stood by the entrance of the church waiting for their cue

Tommy took a second to fidget with his hands before responding, "Ready as I'll ever be bing man!"

"Well that's great to hear but we kinda have to go now" Techno responded as their cue sounded out

"Shit!" Wilbur said as he pushed Tommy along and to the alter

There were a lot of people in the audience. And when Tommy meant a lot he meant a lot! There were more people than there were chairs! Tommy started to rock back and forth on the balls on his feet doing his best to calm his nerves.

As soon as Wilbur registered Tommy's worry he quickly grabbed his hand and flashed him a reassuring smile. There wasn't much Wilbur could do but he hoped it helped.

It helped. As soon as Wilbur had grabbed his hand Tommy had sunk back into reality. He was safe and he was standing next to his brothers. He was ok. This would all be over soon.

The rest of the service went by quickly and was not as bad as Tommy expected. It was just a bunch of awkward standing around with no real purpose. He didn't trip or say anything wrong, no one even booed him! It went really well in his opinion. Tommy was also glad that soon enough he could get out of these stuffy clothes.

Once the service ended the royal family walked back together to the castle to get ready for the festival. They spent little to no time taking pictures and answering questions and just hurried to get back. Tommy was kinda glad that they did this he was already feeling a little overwhelmed.

"You did so well!" Kristen exclaimed as she pulled Tommy into a big hug

Tommy felt a smile tugging on his lips as he replied sarcastically, "Yea I'm a big man, of course, I did well!"

"We are just so proud of you!" Phil said as he joined in on the hug (and no Tommy totally did not cry when he said this he just got something in his eyes)

"Thank you." Tommy said quietly, "Seriously thank you so much."

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