The Festivals Dance

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The festival started as the Empires marching band stared down the long streets all around the kingdom. Shortly after followed a star-struck Tommy who was leaning out of a carriage window and a frantic Phil and Kristen who were trying to pull him back in. And then behind them were Techno and Wilbur trying their best not to fall off their horses while laughing at the scene in front of them. It was going great!

"Phil did you see that!" Tommy asked turning to Phil while pointing, "That lady had a painting without faces on it!"

"Yea Tom you are going to be receiving a lot of gifts today," Phil responded cheerfully as he tried to imagine what Tommy's reaction was going to be towards the pile of gifts for him already at the castle. To say the least, Tommy was going to lose his shit.

As Tommy looked out the carriage (not almost falling out this time) he was able to take in the fact that all of these people came just to see him. It made him feel special. But then again who wouldn't want to see a big man like Tommy!

Soon the carriage stopped in front of a huge town square near the castle. The square was surrounded by small shops and bakeries filled with cookies that Tommy was ready to get Phil to buy. Then in the center was a stage and pavement for people to dance on. When Tommy, Phil, and Kristen stepped out of the carriage they were already surrounded by reporters all asking different questions at the same time. Tommy already didn't like it.

"Is it true that Prince Tommy was a survivor of the recent war against the SMP?"

"How did you find Tommy?"

"Where are his birth parents"

It had only been five minutes and Tommy was already done. Phil thankfully noticed this and had the guards make the reporters back off.

"We will be holding a conference on a later date but for now let's celebrate my new son." Phil addressed the reporters before taking Tommy to a private store they rented out where Wilbur, Techno, and Kristen had already been taken to. Tommy had been told earlier that this is where they would stay until the festival activities started. Now they just had thirty minutes to relax and not be overwhelmed.

"So how have you like today so far?" Kristen had asked Tommy as he inspected a soft cow plushie he had been given. So far he had deemed it as acceptable and carried it around with him.

"It's been pretty pog but just a bit crazy seeing all of these people."

"Yea it's hard to get used to at first but over time it becomes like second nature. But the first few times are always the worst." Tommy laughed in agreement

"Don't worry Tommy you are going to have so much fun at the festival you just need to follow my lead," Wilbur said walking over to join their conversation

Soon enough the activities had been begun. Tommy must have spent half the day dancing and then the other half eating. But how could he not when there was so much food! If he didn't eat it then it would just go to waste! But the music is what made his day. The band had played cheerful folk songs that always had a corresponding dance that he could join in with the townsfolk. The melodies at some points seemed to match his heartbeat. The activity-filled day left him exhausted by the time the sun set behind the horizon. Soon enough he was carried by Phil back to the carriage where he for the first time in forever fell fast asleep.

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