Everything Is Going to Be Okay

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As time continued more and more people started talking about something. It looked serious and it freaked Tommy out. But he also had the conference to worry out. Sure he told Ranboo and Tubbo he'd be fine but Tommy wasn't sure if that was actually the case. Literally, anything can happen at an interview and that was stressful. Now with the combined pressure of not knowing what was going on and the conference later that week Tommy went to therapy. Of course, he couldn't tell Puffy he saw people talking but he could talk to her about the conference.

"Hey, Tommy how are you!" Puffy asked from behind her desk when he opened the door

"I'm good a little bit stressed though," Tommy answered plopping down on the couch

"Why's that?"

"Well, I'm pretty nervous about the conference because I didn't want to mess up." Tommy paused for a second before continuing, "I'm also scared that they may ask me questions about my parents,"

"Is there anything I can do to help you feel less stressed?"

"No, I think this something I need to talk about with Phil,"

"Okay. Well, I do have a little something that could help you with the stress," Puffy said pulling out a box full of some fidget toys

"Can I really take one?" Tommy asked while already looking for the one he was going to pick

"Of course!"

For the rest of the session, Puffy and Tommy talked about how he should tell Phil about his anxieties. The whole session helped Tommy calm down which was helpful. But now he just needed to talk to Phil. Which was harder than it seems. Phil was now Tommy's dad he didn't want to disappoint him! But it would be even worse if Tommy didn't tell him what was going on.

Tommy walked around the castle until he made it to Phil's office. He looked up at the large oak door and knocked. After a few seconds, Phil opened the door.

"Tommy you okay mate," Phil asked guiding Tommy inside and onto a chair

"Actually there is something I need to talk to you about," Tommy said looking down at his feet, "I've been really stressed about the conference and I just thought you should know,"

"Well, I'm really glad you told me," Phil said smiling, "is there anything I can do to make you feel less stressed?"

"Yea I was thinking maybe we could put boundaries on some of the questions reporters can ask,"

"What kinds of questions?"

"Just ones about my parents or being hunted down,"

"Okay, we can do that," Phil said writing that down so he could take care of it later

"Thank you, Phil," Tommy said getting up to give Phil a hug

"Anytime mate!"

After Tommy's talk with Phil, he felt much better at the conference overall. As long as Phil was by his side he would be okay.

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