Close calls and crying :)

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So Tommy may or may not still be crying. After the initial realization, he was going to be finally saved from this hell hole Tommy listened to the radio nonstop for more information. He doesn't need to sleep that much right? Tommy was a big man and like all big men he would push it off to the side for later. As they say, sleep is for the weak and Tommy is for the weak. But in exchange for his sacrifice, he now knew that King and Princes of the Antarctic Empire were going to be in the next town over so like one maybe two hours walking. Woo more walking (said no one ever)! Tommy also learned that it was happening in two days so he had time to prepare for the trip which was pretty pog. So now all he had to do was wait.

He hated waiting. So instead Tommy decided (being the genius that he was) to pack anything and everything he could ever need on the trip. He was for once on top of everything which was suspicious. He must have forgotten something. Tommy looked through his red bag to see if he really was missing anything or if he just was paranoid. As he searched and searched he realized that he had nothing left of his parents. He should change that, shouldn't he? Most of the soldiers were gone anyways nothing was stopping him from going back to his home. But did he even deserve something to remember his parents by? Tommy looked back down to his faded backpack as he messed with the loose strings coming from it. It was ok.

He then started on his adventure! With his backpack on his back and confidence in his steps, he was ready for anything. The sky was a clear blue with those puffy clouds in the sky that he totally knows the name of and as he walked he jumped over the cracked sidewalks that he would rather not trip over. As he walked he took in the familiar streets. The playground he practically grew up in (rusted and falling apart), the weird lady that always made him cookies for Christmas's house (burned down), his neighborhood Karen (now a statue). Soon enough he was at his front door after four fucking months. The tall house now seemed shorter and some of the bricks were suspiciously missing. We went around the house taking in all of the weeds and vines that took over while he was gone. It was much higher than he would have liked. He soon made it to the closest window and well smashed it with a rock. His parents would have grounded him for life if they were still here. He missed them.

The wallpaper inside was peeling off the walls and Tommy could already smell the rotten food from the kitchen. Guess he would never be able to finish his mother's leftover meatloaf what a shame...He almost cried thinking of it( not!). But Tommy had no more time to mourn he was a man on a mission!

Finally, he made it to his room. His door seemingly was kicked down so he just kinda walked right it. It was weird seeing how much yet little it had changed. It was messier than before with his possessions tossed aside on the floor. Someone must have searched for him. There was also a thick layer of dust on everything which was kinda gross if Tommy was being completely honest. He never thought he would ever come back. But sometimes Tommy seems to surprise even himself. Tommy walked across the room carefully avoiding his countless possession that no longer held any real value to him on the floor. He finally reached his old desk. As he looked he found his half-completed math study guide. Guess he shouldn't have wasted any time on that thing huh. Tommy turned to the other objects on his desk and quickly searched through them to find what he was looking for. There it is! Tommy gently picked up a lightly dusted picture frame. Inside was a picture of his mom and dad both on either side of Tommy. The picture was taken at his graduation. His mother and father's face held a sense of pride and happiness that tore a hole in Tommy's heart. This was it. He gently wrapped the frame in the old clothes he found in his closet and put it in his backpack. And like that he was gone.

The rest of the day went by in a flash and before he even realized it Tommy was packing his bags for the trip! He tried to pack as little as possible but because it was a long trip and Tommy didn't want to carry a heavy bag for that long. This meant he would have to leave a lot of his stuff behind which sucked. After a lot of debating, he only brought the picture frame, an extra pair of clothes, his new coat, food, and water. And just like that Tommy was ready and walking out the door. As he walked outside the only thing that Tommy could think of was that 'of course, it was raining!'

Tommy had been walking for a good hour or so when he started seeing something down the street. Or well someone. So being the curious idiot Tommy was he decided how about I go check this out! Not hide like any normal person. Why couldn't have he just stayed put? As Tommy got closer he started to see two figures with what looked to be weapons. And as he got even closer he saw that they were enemy soldiers. Of course, there was still some here. Why couldn't they have just gotten the memo? But that didn't matter as long as Tommy was quiet...



He did not see that leaf.

"Hey, you! Get over or we will shoot!" Shouted the first soldier and boy was he already giving Tommy a headache.

"I think you would shoot me either way if I'm being honest" Tommy replied with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

Tommy thought that his response was very funny. But the soldiers must not have thought so because now he was being chased and shot at by two soldiers. How did his luck run out that fast? Tommy darted down the street before he could even think, pushing anything in his reach to the ground for the soldiers to trip over. When that didn't work he rushed down alleyway after alleyway and thankfully that worked. That was too fucking close in Tommy's opinion. Never again! And with that Tommy went back on the road and kept on walking.

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