Tommy is stuck

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After having lived with Ranboo and Tubbo for a whole week Tommy could tell you a thing or two about them. First off and the most surprising (yet also mot at the same time) Tubbo makes nuclear weapons in his free time. We still don't know why but he does and Tommy has kinda just accepted this now. Ranboo on the other hand only speaks in puns and debatably this is an even worse crime. But on top of all this both Ranboo and Tubbo we're older than Tommy!

"What this is not fair why am I always the youngest!?"

"Because all the people you hang out with are older than you," Tubbo said sarcastically and Ranboo just nodded along

"Well then why is everyone I hang out with older than me? I am the biggest of men and therefore I should be the oldest," Tommy declared

"That's not how it works. Anyways if we were going by that kind of logic I would be the oldest because I am the tallest," Ranboo added on

"No, you can't be the oldest because I am the oldest Ranboob," Tommy argued

"Low blow dude," Ranboo joked as they moved along in the conversation

"Anyways when is that conference you're going to Tommy?" Tubbo asked as they all got up from where they were sitting to walk to the dining hall for lunch.

"I think it is in five days why?"

"We were just wondering because you looked anxious about it," Ranboo answered while looking at his shoes in embarrassment

"I'll be fine don't worry! I'm a big man nothing those news reporters can say will hurt me." Tommy paused for a second before continuing, "Well actually that's not true but at least I will have Phil, Techno, and Wilbur there with me!"

"That's true," Tubbo said looking a little less anxious about the idea of Tommy going to the conference

"Well if you ever need someone to talk to about it we are here," Ranboo added before they opened the doors to the dining hall

"I will...I will,"

The rest of the day went by as normal with Tommy fencing with Techno, talking with Ranboo and Tubbo, eating dinner with some of his family. But something felt off. Maybe it was the shared whispers between maids in the hall. Or Phil and Techno not showing up to dinner. But something was wrong and Tommy wasn't sure whether he wanted to find out what was going on or live in bliss.

That night Tommy couldn't sleep for the first time in a week. He was just stuck thinking about his time during the war. What if him choosing to live in bliss again would create a repeat of what happened before. But then again he doesn't think he would be able to handle it if we found out there was going to be another war.

Tommy was just stuck.

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