Tommy gets on tv!

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Today was the day! Tommy had spent hours upon hours WALKING for this they fucking better take him out of this hell hole. There was a slight breeze that picked up the bright assortment of red, orange, and yellow leaves from trees and placed them on the ground. Fall was one of his favorite holidays growing up because of Holloween. His parents would always take time out of their days to help Tommy make the 'coolest' costume ever. Those were some of his favorite childhood memories. Now Tommy just wonders if they have Holloween in the Antarctic Empire? To be honest Tommy doesn't know shit about the Empire. The information he has retained from school is limited and went as follows,

1. It was cold their
2. They were allies with his country
3. They were brutal worries (which seemed fun)
4. It was super cold

His lack of information regarding the Antarctic Empire was concerning because soon enough he was going to be their problem. Sure as previously stated Tommy was a big man but he was also a big man who brought chaos wherever he went. This would only be amplified if he didn't know what the fuck he was doing! He almost felt bad for 5he poor souls who would have to deal with him! Almost. This was because Tommy was a delight. Despite the destruction he left in his path he was pretty charming if he did says himself (which he did). Everyone loves Tommy he has....had so many friends back home! He was a natural-born leader! They will love him! At least Tommy hopes they will.

Tommy finally saw people in the distance. As he got closer he was able to make out three figures standing in front of a group of reporters and cameras. Perfect if the press was there they would basically be forced to take him! Their reputation would be ruined if they turned down a starving homeless kid! Tommy took a second to hype himself up and then took off to the supposed 'Royalty'.

"Yes far as we know there are no living survivors-"

"Actually about that..." All three figures turn to face Tommy each with a look of sheer shock on their face.

The first figure was an average-sized Avian hybrid with huge grey wings. He had blonde hair that went down to his shoulders and blue eyes like Tommy. The other two were much, much taller and Tommy didn't like it. The second figure was the tallest and seemed to be a Piglin hybrid with super long bright pink hair. To say the least, he looked intimidating not that Tommy was scared! The third and last figure was a human with curly brown hair and rimmed glasses. All of the figures seemed to look nothing alike even though they were related which was kinda weird but Tommy wasn't going to question it! What he did remember at that moment is how underdressed he was for this situation. He was basically wearing rags compared to what the royals were wearing! They were all bedazzled with gold stuff and we're looking all fancy. But that was a problem for another day. Tommy kinda had an exception you know being the lone survivor in his area.

"Phil is that a child?" Exclaimed figure number 3 to figure number 1 (Phil?) with a look of absolute horror on his face. Ok, Tommy knew he looked gross and hadn't showered in a while but there was no need for that facial expression!

"I am not a kid!" Shot back Tommy with a newfound hatred for figure number 3, "I'm a big man!"

"Techno get the reporters to leave while we figure out what to do with this," Said Phil as he gestured to Tommy.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Shouted Tommy as he got dragged away by Phil(?) and figure number 3.

The next thing Tommy knew he was showered, in clean clothes, and being fussed over by Phil who Tommy know knows is the king of the Antarctic Empire. This sounds good in theory but in reality, got annoying really fast.

"Mate, are you sure you're ok do you need anything to eat or drink? Are the clothes ok? Do you need anything?" Sputtered Phil who seemed to have no clue what to do in this situation.

"Phil he already said he fine like five times." Stated Wilbur (figure number 2) who looked about as done as Tommy felt, "We need to start asking him questions. I mean he is the only survivor that we know of in the area and he's only like what ten!"


"Same thing!"

"Ok...umm mate could you tell us your name?" Asked Phil who had no experience asking random strangers questions.


"Tommy what?"

"Just Tommy"

"Ok 'just Tommy'" Joked Wilbur despite the very threatening glare Tommy sent him.

"Wil- Anyways Tommy how do I put this... How did you survive?"

So Tommy told them. He wasn't proud of his answer but at least he was still alive. There's not much he could have done in that situation and he can't keep blaming himself. As he got further into the story the more depressed and empathetic Wilbur and Phil looked. Tommy hated pity but he knew he had to let in go in this situation. By the end of his story(?) Phil and Wilbur looked torn between crying and hugging Tommy. So they settled on both. Tommy didn't mind after not having physical contact with any other humans in months. Also by then, Techno(?) had come back.

"Phil, can we keep him? Pleasesee" Cried Wilbur who refused to let go of Tommy.

"I'm not an animal!"

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