Time Helps

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It has now been four months since he had been taken in by Phil, Wilbur, and Techno, and honestly, he wouldn't change it for the world. He finally has a somewhat consistent life again. Tommy even has clean clothes, food, water, and even people who care for him. Life would be good if Wilbur wasn't eating sand at the dining room table.

"Will-we talked about this" Phil said while rubbing his temples clearly disappointed

"Why is it fair that Wilbur can eat sand at the table while I can't eat mud!" Tommy protested (fun fact Tommy had to eat mud once during his time alone and now it's an inside joke between him, Wilbur, and Techno)

"Both of you just don't eat things you find in the ground, please" Phil pleaded holding onto his final strings of hope

"So I don't have to eat my vegetables!" Tommy remarked sarcastically

"No that's not what I mean...Just don't eat the ground. Please?"

"But that's boring!" Wilbur declared while throwing another handful of sand into his mouth

"Come on Phil I want to see where this goes," Techno says while he pauses his reading to join the conversation. The book he was reading was The Art of War? Huh.

"No, we are not seeing how this goes. I'm not having anyone die because of an addiction to sand or mud that's disgusting!"

"Hey, at least it would be something interesting to be remembered by. Just imagine reading some kid in the future reading in their textbook about how the prince of the Antarctic Empire died because he ate sand."

"'Ah yes do you remember Prince Wilbur' 'oh yes, the one that ate fucking sand?'" By now they were all laughing at the utter chaos that was their conversation. Tommy bad realized most of their conversations went into chaos. It was pretty pog.

Later that day Tommy told Puffy about the conversation and her expression was priceless! She was mixed between laughing and being very concerned about Wilbur actually eating sand. Puffy's office was nice it always smelled like vanilla and everything was always very neat but in a chaotic way. There was a desk in the corner of the room with a skinny chair and stacks upon stacks of organized folders. Then there was a couch in the back of the room with bean chairs surrounded it (this is normally where Tommy would sit). She also had a bunch of fidget toys he can use if he wants during their sessions. The whole place makes Tommy relaxed for some reason especially the random inspirational posters (that never made any sense) scattered across the room. Tommy right now was laying on the couch trying to figure out how a fidget cube worked.

"So how are Phil, Techno, and Wilbur?" Puffy asked while taking out a pen and paper

"They are good. Techno has been teaching me a lot more about fencing which has been pog!" Tommy paused for a second, "I think I've started to see them as my family and it's kinda hard for me to accept that,"

"Why's that?" Puffy asked maintaining a neutral tone of voice

"Well, it feels like I'm replacing my mom and dad,"

"Tommy you deserve to be loved and cared for. You are not replacing your parents you are just adding to your family and that is ok! These feelings are hard to get rid of and you just need to give it time as well as keep an open mind."

Puffy always know what to say to him. He could always count on her for advice when he needed it. She never sugar-coated things but at the same time made him feel heard and loved. Some sessions may be tougher than others but it helps. Time helps.

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