Boats (I hate them)

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Tommy learned very quickly he didn't like boats. In fact, boats were the bane of his existence! After winning over the hearts of the three for figures from yesterday (Phil, Wilbur, and Technoblade) they insisted that they took him to their home. He felt like one of those stay dogs kids forced their parents to take off the street. Not that he was complaining free stuff was the best. At least that's what he thought until they forced him into this huge boat.

"What the hell. I'm not going on that fucking death trap!"

"Come on it's not that bad!" Insisted Wilbur, "It only sometimes makes weird noises and catches on fire. But that's a part of the fun!"

Tommy almost passed out on the spot. There was no way in hell they are getting him on that death trap! But sadly for him, he didn't have a choice. Technoblade literally picked him up and brought him into the boat when he refused to go in. What a jerk! But now that Tommy was in the boat his fate was already sealed so might as well look around. It was the biggest boat he ever saw with rooms upon rooms. All of them are filled with matching blue and red furniture as well as carpets. How can they afford this! Either way, if this boat sunk Tommy would be done for. But then again the beds looked really comfy so maybe it was worth the amount of anxiety coursing through his veins.

"Tommy come with me, we got your room set up!" Phil said practically beaming at him. So Tommy followed and was led to the biggest room he had ever seen in his life!

"Are you sure this is my room?" Asked Tommy dumbfounded as he stared at well everything!

"Yea? We picked it out for you a minute ago. Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just too fucking cool!" Phil sighed in relief as Tommy bounced between different places in the room trying to memorize every single little thing.

"Well, then you get settled in, one of the boys will get you once dinner is ready!" Phil then left the room closing the door behind him.

Phil was the biggest of men in Tommy's opinion which was never wrong. He had been nothing but kind to him unlike the other two who had continuously teased him to no end. Wilbur was nice at first but then quickly became like an annoying older brother. He had already called Tommy a child on several occasions but also swore to protect Tommy no matter what. Which was odd because Tommy was a random child they picked up from the street. But oh well he was their problem now! Techno on the other hand was funny like insanely funny. He always had a smart remark to quip against Wilbur's rants. But other than that Tommy didn't know shit about them! He needed to work on that. For now, though Tommy was going to explore his super cool new room!

Tommy expired for a good five minutes before going to sleep. The bed was just too soft it wasn't his fault! He was also just too tired of everything. He has been by himself for so long, he hadn't had a bed in so long! He finally could rest in peace without worry about loud soldiers with big guns or well starving. Tommy didn't even realize how hard it was until right then. How painfully it was to hear the bang of gunshots and screams. The screams would always haunt him. But it would get better with time and maybe if he got lucky he would find some people to lean on.

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