Lauren and Mari

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From now on the conversations will be in Bold so no one gets confused.

Im going to get the cast memember pictures together so you all can see who is who, and get a visual :)

Thank you all for reading!! This is my first Book, so im still learning.

Excuse any mistakes! Like& Comment!




We pulled up at Ghost place, and the guard wasnt there.

"Whats the plan G?"

"Do what we do best Improve we just gotta get Lauren, and Mari safe."

We took the elevator up, and they were no where to be found.

we yelled their names a whole bunch of fucking times, and nothing.

"FUCK!" I hit the wall, and we walked back out.

I didnt say nothing i drove to where daisy had the party at.

"Shutup little girl!" I heard a familiar voice scream. Me, and Capreace held our gun up, and walked onto the patio where we saw Lauren passed out, and blood all over her. Mari was crying, and i looked up to see Bree the girl i met last night over here.

"get away from her!"

"Curtis.....Capreace." She looked suprised to see us but then she smiled at us. I dont care we just needa get them off of here safe.

I looked around, and she could drop mari down 15 feet, and thats the last thing i wanna let happen. we need to get back in the house.

"What do you want bree?"

"For my baby to get the life she deserves. it cant happen with these two." She picked up mari, and all i saw was bree fall to the floor, and Mari ran over to Ghost.

"daddy!" I looked over to see both of them aiming the gun towards her.

"its ok baby your gonna be ok."

"wheres Lari?"

"dead. I sent lloyd to take care of her. go home me, and james got it. meet up tomorrow early at the house."

I took orders, and me, capreace left.

This is only the beginning to getting everything straightened out.

I thought Daisy i mean Lari was a cool ass female, and she turned out to be hella physoctic. She was following me, and all kinds of shit.

I got home, and my girls were sleep.





My mom is now dating a guy, and im so happy for her. We met him at dinner, and hes really nice, and keeps her smiling. Ive been acing all my college courses, and ive have a lot of oppertunities to work with higher people in film. Curtis has been very supportive, and I only have 2 more years left. Natalya is starting school soon, and it breaks my heart really. Ive been so used to her with me during the day a lot. Planning for Aaliyah's wedding is hella stressful, but anything for my bestfriend.


After My dad, and Ghost left now im the King, and they left everything to me. I hate that i have to live this lifestyle, but its all i know. Im thinking about to start selling our laundry mats, and just focusing on opening one huge club, and investing in other things. I only have 6 men that do everything for me. Lloyd, James, Daveon, Breezy, Tre, and Ricky. Me and Capreace are the heads. Gotta keep the circle tight now. I dont trust anyone, but my girls, Capreace, and lili. I only rock with a few. I finally bought Holly ring, and i plan on purposing after her bestfriend gets married, and all imma pop the question, and i want it to be special for her. She deserves it.

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