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Ruyi Comfortable Little Day

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn on the lights




Chapter 21

    In a relaxed and unpredictable hunt, Cheng Ruyi not only raised the wood power to level two, but also hunted a mountain of prey, wild boars, black bears, tigers, pythons, wolves, fools, wild deer...

    almost. Catch all the species in the rolling mountains in one swoop.

    The huge Roshan shocked everyone's vision, especially these prey, except for a few pheasant and hare who had wounds, all were very intact, and only the blood on the corner of the mouth could tell that they were all dead.

    The Orion and the guards on the periphery of the mountain were all stunned when they saw this scene, not to mention that the dudes who followed to watch the excitement were shocked by the battle.

    "Oh my God, these prey are kept so intact, wouldn't they be obtained with drugs?" Someone unconsciously raised doubts. Obviously, this person didn't believe that anyone could hit so many prey on his own.

    "Ho ho, drugged? Do you see the smell of drugs on these prey? I saw with my own eyes that Miss Hou Fu in red, a small stone directly knocked out a fierce tiger."

    Some hunters were right. Drugs are all very sensitive, and at first I suspected that this Miss Hou Mansion was hunting with drugs, but the reality gave him a loud slap in the face.

    "Is this true? You are so lucky to see this young lady hunting." Someone looked at Orion enviously.

    "Oh my God, God of Killing, I saw God of Killing, it's terrible!" With lingering fear, a dude covered his chest that was suddenly quickening his heartbeat, and his face paled back.

    "So amazing, Miss Cheng is so amazing, I really want to worship her as a teacher!" The other dude's eyes were gleaming, as if a dog had seen a bone, he almost didn't rush up to hold Cheng Ruyi's thigh, crying and begging. Apprentice.

    "Women don't allow beards and eyebrows. It would be great if we can go to the battlefield. We can have a female god of war again in Da Zhou!" A young man who is familiar with pharmacology of Heping Nanwang murmured, looking at Cheng Ruyi's eyes especially hot. .

    It's not in vain that he especially came to see this Miss Cheng Ruyi's ability, and it really didn't disappoint him.

    "Sister, great, great, we have a lot of meat to eat, we eat rabbits today, pheasants tomorrow, noodles the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow..." Cheng Yu looked at the mountain of prey piled up in front of him with glowing eyes. His face flushed with excitement, and he pointed his fingers to arrange what meat to eat every day.

    Guard: "..."

    Cheng Ruyi touched her younger brother's head, looked at the prey in front of him with satisfaction, and said in a magnificent manner: "It's up to you to eat whatever you want. Now let me ask someone to transport these prey back."

    Half an hour later. , The mighty prey transport team set off.

    This time, Cheng Yu was sitting on a cart with the largest colorful tiger. This tiger was very angry and looked the most powerful among the three tigers her sister hunted.

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