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Ruyi Comfortable Little Day

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn on the lights




Chapter 33


    emperor on the Jinluang Temple was discussing with the ministers about the major natural disasters coming in the next two years. At this time, the eunuch chief suddenly walked to the dragon chair and whispered a few words to the emperor. The emperor’s expression was a bit subtle.

    This Changlehou scoured his sense of existence once or twice every year at the beginning and end of the year. I didn't know what was going on this time, and only arrived in the middle of the upper dynasty.

    Wouldn't it be for the great natural disasters of the next two years?

    The emperor thought in his heart, and then put aside the idea. Didn’t King Pingnan say that Changlehou had secretly gathered enough food?

    Regardless of drought or flood, Changlehou is particularly lucky. There is a large reservoir of thousand-year-old trees in the mansion, and there is also a girl who is quite beloved by heaven.

    The emperor was a little jealous, and his luck was out of luck.

    To talk about why the emperor knew that Cheng Ruyi was the girl who was beloved by God, it was necessary to talk about Master Huiyuan, not only Master Huiyuan, in fact, the emperor even let the eminent monk secretly watch the process of Ruyi.

    This Cheng Ruyi was really full of merits and golden light.

    Unfortunately, it was too late to know, the daughter of the Hou family in Changle has already made a marriage.

    Pitiful Huaiyang Hou, the sloppy, out of luck.

    The emperor's heart was very rich, and Hou Changle Xuan Changle with a serious expression was greeted him.

    When the ministers discussed below heard that Changle Hou came, their expressions were different, some were calm and expressionless, such as King Pingnan; some were gritted teeth, such as the official secretary who had been pitted by Changle Hou dozens of times; some had subtle expressions. , Such as Jiananhou; those who are happy, those who are watching a good show... etc., can all be put together into a bunch of emoticons.

    The emperor was very happy in his heart.

    This Changlehou is indeed my pistachio, haha!

    It happens that during this period of time, the mood is not very good. With Changle Hou, you can adjust your mood.

    At this time, the emperor was happy, and Chang Lehou would make him laugh and cry, wishing to fork people out.

    Waiting outside, Chang Le Hou heard the eunuch's sharp voice: "Xuan Chang Le Hou, see you!"

    Chang Le Hou touched the five bottles of magical medicine given by the girl in his arms, smug, confident and stepped into the Golden Luang Temple.

    The hundreds of civil and military officials in the Jinluan Temple looked towards Changlehou with all their eyes.

    Chang Le Hou, dressed in court clothes, looks handsome and handsome, just like a manly and handsome aristocratic master.

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