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Ruyi Comfortable Little Day

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn on the lights




Chapter 51:

    In late summer and early autumn, the weather gradually turned cooler.

    Changlehou and Rong Susu looked at the backs of Cheng Ruyi, Rong Mo, and Cheng Yu, who were leaving behind. Rong Susu frowned and sighed lightly.

    "Unexpectedly, this seemingly heartless girl is so sensitive."

    Chang Lehou smiled and held the hand of her relatives: "Don't think too much, the third night after the girl left, it is not for us to dream. It’s just that we have one more girl.” It

    is false to say that it is not sad, but no matter how sad it is, it can’t be saved. This girl is also simple in mind, and has a temperament similar to their original daughter.

    Seeing her alive and kicking, she felt that her daughter was still alive by her side.

    "Yes, the girl said she was sent by God to save our Hou Mansion." Rong Susu couldn't help laughing.

    Obviously, she didn't take her daughter's dreams seriously.


    not certain !" Chang Lehou somewhat believed what the girl said. To tell the truth, he was very curious about this girl, and he actually had a lot of merit.

    Otherwise, as soon as she came to the Hou Mansion, all kinds of good things would continue to happen in the Hou Mansion.

    Especially for the magical medicine, Changlehou felt enthusiastic when he thought of the magical effect of the magical medicine. With the nourishment of the magical medicine, his wife really became younger and younger.

    Keke, Chang Lehou was thinking about it again.

    No way, I'm doing too many things that don't pay attention to, and I want to pretend to be serious and it takes less than three seconds.


    Cheng Ruyi didn't know that after she left, Changlehou and his wife talked about her again. She was chatting with Rong Mo about getting married.

    "Amo, I secretly tried to wear the wedding gown, and it feels great. When it should be finished, I picked a stitch." Cheng Ruyi showed off enthusiastically. The big red wedding gown is really beautiful.

    It's a pity that she doesn't have that talent.

    But her piano skill is very good, can make chickens and ducks lay eggs, she can also grow plants, such a comparison, or her ability is more practical, Cheng Ruyi heart.

    Rong Mo's eyes softly looked at the triumphant appearance of the little fiancée, and the corners of his lips curled up: "Well, Ruyi is amazing!" In

    his mind, his thoughts flashed, and he slowly outlined the appearance of the little fiancée wearing a red wedding gown.

    My heart was rippling.

    Mo Xiang's face behind her was very delicate.

    What did the lady try on the wedding gown? Why doesn't she know?

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